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I decided I would just walk up to Dan's house considering that it isn't far anyways. I pocketed my phone and burst through the door. I jogged down my driveway, up the pavement and into Dan's driveway. I bolted up his driveway and onto the porch. I pounded on the door, and waited for Dan to come to the door.

"Hello?" I yelled. No response. Soon after, I heard footsteps down the stairs. "Finally." I mumbled.

Dan approached the door and opened it up for me eagerly, like I was the key to success.

"Phil. Thank god. Come in." Dan sighed with utter relief.

"Dan, whats the matter?" I asked, for the only reason I came here was for Dan.

"I need your help. I know we have only just met but I feel like I can trust you." Dan glued his eyes to the floor.

"Of course." I replied.

"Follow me." Dan started up the stairs, and I followed. There were 24 stairs, I counted. Dan's room was the first one straight from the stairs. It was a room most certainly not for a senior. His bed went from one wall to the next, and it had black sheets and covers on it. The walls were white and there was a single, tiny window on the wall. He had no dresser and no bedside table, because there was no room. "Ignore my ugly ass room. It's actually a extended closet."

"Wow, really?" I asked, keeping the flat in my mind. He would be so excited, considering the room he has now.

"Yes. My mum actually hates me and that's why I brought you here today." He shrugged.

"What's up?"

"I'll show you." Dan said shyly. As he spoke, he swiftly slid off his shirt, almost like he had been practicing. I almost screamed, because I was completely shocked. Dan was hiding a lot behind his shirt. His arms were very defined, and so was his stomach and chest. I didn't even notice that he has bruises all over his body and the cuts on his arms.

"Dan, I—" I was completely lost for words.

"What?" He ducked down and hid himself behind his legs.

"Dan, it's not you or your body. It's just, your bruised, and cuts. Whats the matter?" I asked. But I just couldn't stop thinking about his body. Oh my god, why?

"My mom beats me, Phil. She hits me with her hand or sometimes a stick or like a pole. The cuts are from me. I cut myself." He outwardly said. Who says that just up and out?

"Dan!" I was again, lost for words.

"Phil, I want your help." He stood up again.

"With your mum?"I inquired softly.

"Yeah, and with myself." Dan answered. I nodded, and took another quick look around his room.

"Where do we start?"

"That's the thing, Phil. I don't know. I have wanted to start for years, but I just didn't know how. Now you're here, and I'm counting on you to help me." Dan looked at me straight in the eye, and it was then that I saw all of his pain. Eyes told a lot about a person; their emotions, their life, mostly their pain they try to hide.

"Dan. I know just how to start." I straighten my posture. Would he want to move into a flat with me?

"Great. How?" Dan smiled weakly, almost like he was trying so hard to look happy.

"My mum wants me to move out this year, into a flat near where I might to go university. I was thinking about having you move in with me, because of your mum and everything." I took a deep breath and awaited a response.

"Hmm. That sounds kinda like a good idea." Dan's fake smile shifted into a real one. Score.

"Yes! Okay, I told you I wasn't going to drop the abuse subject!" I cheered.

"I wasn't going to let you, either." Dan nodded. "I knew that I needed help, and I just hadn't found anyone to reach out to. But then you came along, and I felt like I could trust you, Phil. Also, can you keep these away from me?" Dan walked over to his bed, and ducked down, and pulled out a few knives.

"Bloody hell! Uhm, yes, I can." I reacted quicker than I should have. "Are those what you cut your wrists with?"

"Yes, and you are here to help, right? Might as well fix as many problems as you can." Dan handed me the knives safely, and I held onto them.

"That's the spirit." I couldn't stop the smile from growing on my face.

"I'm surprised you haven't asked how I'm so fit." Dan blurted.

"I, um— I meant to." My words shook as they came out of my mouth.

"My mom beats me into it. Hence the bruises all over my chest and back." Dan shrugged. "The only good thing that comes from it is my body. She would never let me sit around and do nothing, but I used to do that. A lot."

"I do that, I'll admit. Considering my body shape compared to yours, it's quite easy to tell." I raised my eyebrows, and Dan shook his head.

"Don't compare yourself to me. We live two totally different lifestyles. And quite frankly, you have an amazing body too." Dan grinned.

"Thanks. Nobody has ever told me that, except my mum of course. She has to say it." I sighed.

"She doesn't. My mum called me fat and ugly until I started to get abs. She didn't believe in a beautiful boy who was fat."

"Wow, you have one bad mum, Dan." I mumbled.

"Exactly. So, when can we move in together?"

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