twenty seven

636 19 11

same sort of triggers as last chapter.

Why Mr. Lester was here shooting up out school was a complete mystery to me. What I did know was that I am in grave danger right now, and there is no one left around here to help me. Unless someone wants to pop out, I'm screwed.

"Phil doesn't love me anymore, neither does his mum, so why should I stop, Daniel?" He continued to ask me questions, and I wanted to deflect them all. But I couldn't.

"You know you don't want to hurt anyone. Something has taken you over, and I think it is the lack of love in your life right now. So, please, don't fire that gun again or you will end up in jail, sir." I explained, and he just laughed at me. He pointed the gun straight at my chest, forcing my hands in the air.

"Right, so now I don't feel love. I just feel hurt. I wanna hurt people, kid." He advised, and I stepped back. He stepped towards me again. "What is keeping me from shooting you right now, boy?"

I didn't have an answer. I was frozen. Then, out from the cafeteria, Chris came trodding out. His face was coy, but he seemed ready for anything. "Me. Don't shoot Dan. Phil needs him a lot. Shoot me. The world may be better off without me anyways." Chris drawled, and I shook my head vigorously.

"No, no, no. PJ needs you a lot, Chris. You can't do this for me." I pleaded, but Chris deflected me.

"Shoot me. But you have to let Dan go." Chris offered, and Mr. Lester seemed intrigued by his words.

"Go, Dan. Go find my son. Make sure he is okay. Tell him I'm sorry." He asked, and I nodded just for my life, and I ran down the hallway. I winced, and my eyes stared to tear up knowing I just left Chris to death. Someone just sacrificed themselves for me, and I couldn't even fathom that. I heard the gun shot, and I tear rolled down my cheek. I started to full on cry; tears and sniffles. I pulled my phone out to message Phil. I made it outside, realizing I would have to walk home because Phil took the car, but that was okay because it was nice out and I needed the exercise.

Dan: Phil, I'm okay. I'm walking home now.
Phil: Dan! Oh thats good, what about everyone else? xx
Dan: Someone had to sacrifice themselves for me.

I shut my phone off, because I could no longer see what I was typing. My vision was blurred from my tears, so I just kept walking, and wiped my eyes. I felt my phone buzz once, and I knew it was Phil asking who, but I couldn't bare to tell him over text, so I just waited until I got home.


When I came in, I noticed that PJ happened to be over too. Great. I would have to tell him Chris is dead, right to his face. Why me? I knew my face was still red and tear-streaked, so they would know something was wrong right away.

"Dan, you okay mate?" PJ inquired, and I nodded. Of course, I wasn't okay, but I hadn't mustered the will power to tell them Chris had to die so I could stay safe. Also, that Phil's dad was the one who was killing people, and that Phil had to decide to let me die.

"Yeah, I'm alright. A little mentally hurt, but physically, I'm okay." I mentioned, and I could tell was not going to blow this off.

"Talk to us." Phil walked up to me, and grabbed my hands in his, squeezing them tightly.

"Just someone died. Someone died and I could have died in their place..." I stopped abruptly. Phil wrapped me up in a warm hug, and again, I was sobbing into his shoulder. He patted me gently on the back, shushing my cry's.

"Who was it, someone we know?" PJ asked, concern in his voice.

"Yes, we knew him, we knew him." I stammered, and Phil released me from his warmth. I wanted to feel his body heat against mine again, because it was such a soothing feeling knowing that someone was right there, holding you. It was secure, and comforting.

"Dan, who was it?" Phil inquired, his voice gentle, and his face was etched in worry.

"I can't, I can't." I sobbed, storming off and into my room. I slammed the door shut, and hopped onto my bed, and pulled the covers over myself. I wanted to escape, I wanted to escape this hell we know as life. I wanted the sweetness of death right now. I heard banging on my door, but I ignored it.

"Dan, I know you are in there. PJ just left out of respect for you, he was just here to make sure I was okay. But he is gone. You can talk to me now." His voice comforted me through the door, and I was so impressed. I loved him, and I would be in hell without him.

"Chris, he killed Chris!" I yelled, and Phil opened the door, but I couldn't see his sweet face because I was under the covers.

"Who killed Chris, my love? Do you know who it was?" Phil pressed for more answers, and I understood why, because I was answering now.

"YOUR DAD! HE KILLED CHRIS! YOUR DAD LET ME GO FOR THE PRICE OF CHRIS'S LIFE, PHIL." I shouted, and I bet people in Antarctica heard me.

"Wait, what?" Phil said, shocked to the core. I took the blankets off from over me.

"Your dad is a murder, and I have a guess who wants me dead and is threatening your mum."

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