13. An Unexpected Visitor

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Hello People. Double Update because I don't want to keep you guys hanging. Before you come to conclusions or judge the things, please do read the note at the end. 

Happy Reading...

The thing written on the device is

"I am a Martian, I have come from Mars to do a research on people on Earth and their living"

[@Itz_Me_Adi Please don't kill me for this. A special note for you at the end.]

[shariya_ss Here is your answer. hamare thoughts kitne milte hai na? 😛😂😂]

Manik and Nandini look at each other and towards the guy who is now looking down skeptical about their reaction. Suddenly Nandu shouts making both of them look at her and Manik closes her mouth.

Manik: What's your problem? Why are you shouting?

Nandu: I didn't understand what expression to give. And movies mein itna bada shock ke baad aise hi chillate hai na.

Manik facepalms himself while the guy smiles at Nandu though he only understood the first sentence of her.

Manik:(to the guy) don't worry. We won't say this to anyone. But what were you doing there on the cliff?

Guy scribbles

"My spaceship was landed there a day back. We were supposed to live among people around here and do our research. After that, we will send our reports to our head and if our research is successful we will be called back".

Manik: But how can you write so well but couldn't speak?

"We have been given training to learn this language but I just could speak some basic stuff. I haven't practiced it with anyone yet so, I am afraid if it goes wrong and it would be difficult if the meaning changes. Also, a software is installed on this device which would help us with the language. It would convert ours to yours"

Manik: Where do you people live? We haven't found any life there on Mars.

"We live underground so that humans from Earth don't find us. Organisms from Earth do pollute our environment and it will extinct life on our planet. So we live there to protect ourselves."

Manik looks blankly at the guy while Nandu is amused to have an alien sitting infront of her. She is all ready to announce it to the world but stopped because it's dangerous for his life. Manik who observes that Nandu is silent calls her.

Manik: Nandu kuch bolo. My mind isn't working.

Nandu: kya bolun. I am so excited. I can play with him. I will introduce him to our friends. We will become friends and he will take me to Mars. Oh my god. I will be the first human to land there.

Manik: Woah meri chalti phirti spaceship. Don't race your imaginations. I am not able to digest the news given by him and here you are planning to go to Mars.

Guy - "If you don't want me to stay here I will go somewhere else. I don't want to you people to get into trouble because of me"

Nandu: Hayee kitna sweet hai na Manik.

Manik: (glares Nandu and says to the guy) Listen are you mad. Where will you go? You can't even talk to anyone. You will stay with us till you leave to your place. I will introduce you as my friend.

Manik: (Looking at Nandu) Friend se yaad aaya, Cabir called me. He wants to meet us. I told him that I have some work.

Nandu: But Manik iska kya kare? We can't lock him at home, neither can we let him go out alone.

Manik: True. He needs to learn the language immediately. (Thinks)

Nandu: Manik hum ise school mein join kare?

Manik: Nandu yeh cheh foot ke insaan ko kaun lega school mein?(sarcastically)

Nandu: True. (Nandu again thinks and Manik smiles looking at her)

Manik: Nandu let's go to our farmhouse. We can teach him there.

Nandu: Then we can get his admission in space?

Manik: let's see. I can talk to dad about his admission.

[Did I forgot to mention? Manik's dad is trustee in Space College, where Manan and their friends are studying.]

They decide to leave for the farmhouse. They stay at farmhouse teaching the guy everything needed to survive on Earth and were amazed by the speed with which he was grasping the things.

All thanks to Manik and Nandu the guy started speaking English well and few Hindi terms too. Manik talks to his dad for admission and he asks them to send a mail regarding the guy's details.

Manik: What is his name?

Nandu: Cutiepie

Manik: Tum college admission form mein ise cutiepie likhogi?

Nandu: haan. What's wrong?

Manik: Nothing's wrong. How can you ever be wrong?(sarcastically)

Nandu: I know.

Seeing both of them fighting, Guy interrupted,

Guy: Guys, what's wrong with my name.

Manik: Nothing. It might not go well with Earthlings. (Thinks for some time) How about Aryaman Khurana?

[Finally, Aryaman's Entry 😛😛]

Guy: Better. Better than cutiepie. (Says the last name looking towards Nandu)

Nandu: (Glaring Aryaman) I hate you.

Manik: (to Nandu) Didn't you like it.

Nandu: It's so cool Manik. I am proud of myself.

Manik: Oh hello Madam. Naam maine bataya hai and you are proud of yourself?

Nandu: Haan tho I am proud of my upbringing. I raised you well.

Aryaman bursts out laughing while Manik glares him. In all their work they forgot about a guy who is restless because these two have made themselves unavailable for the past two days and is plotting every plan to reach them. 


1. Thanks to everyone who guessed it right. I am a bit fine thinking it's not too out of topic. 

2. Aryaman is not like 'jaadu' of 'Koi mil Gaya' {trust me, I haven't even watched that film} nor he is 'PK' from 'pk'. To all CBSE kids, there was a lesson in English textbooks named CutiePie. It was a story of an Alien who accidentally got lost on Earth. So, Aryaman's character is partly inspired by that one. 

3. The above-mentioned things, (Martians living on Earth, Underground Life on Mars etc.,) are not fictional. A 20-year old Russian kid claimed that he was from Mars and also gave the above-mentioned facts about Mars. (Not the research part) He said, there MIGHT be Martians living among us. PM me for more details. 

4.  Finally, this won't be any science fiction. I will not change the genre, neither will I put any physics stuff here.(If you want any, do tell me. I will try to include here and there as required by the story) 

I have a sister who gets the first draft of all my stories. She hates Physics like anything. Trust me, she too gave me a disgusting look when I told her about the idea but eventually after reading further parts(which are yet to be uploaded) she was happy. 

The thing about including an Alien was, he might have some exceptional qualities like the thing mentioned in the story. Learning a language in a day or two. I don't want to include some regular human and give him some illogical qualities, hence, the alien. 

Phew, the note became longer than expected. 😨😨

Thanks for reading so much with patience. 😊

I hope you will support me in this. I am too nervous to even ask for the feedback. 🤐🤐

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