chapter five

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so beautiful, beautiful. |


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DANIEL HAD his fingers placed gently on the strings of his guitar, he strummed gently, playing with a few cords; trying to find the perfect melody.

"so beautiful, beautiful," daniel cooed to himself, he thought about the right words to write and to sing. he sighed, messing up his own hair, he wrote that lyric down onto his notebook.

he needed inspiration, all he wanted to do was to call his ex love and hear the sound of her voice one last time before writing a song about her— and so he did.

you are now dialing:
hyemi 💞

the girl's sweet voice echoed
through daniel's ears.

"you sound happy today,"
daniel chuckled.

"that's because i am, mr kang,"
she giggled.

"why? is it because you found a boyfriend?"
daniel joked around.

"uh, yeah! how did you know?"
she teased him.

"oh no, darling, but i'm still in love with you!"
daniel joked — pretentiously.

"shut up, kang daniel, i love you too,
  so— why the sudden call?"

"huh? oh, nothing. i was just writing
a song and i had no inspiration
so i decided to call you,"

"what have you been up to?"

"me? i was extremely sick for the past week,
i couldnt eat, wake up, i couldnt even study!"

"are you okay now?"
daniel questioned.

"of course! maybe that's why i'm so happy.
geez, i've been crying myself to sleep because
i was so scared that i couldnt get better,"
she sighed.

"well now you are! good for you,"
daniel laughed, she hummed.

"h — hyemi?"
daniel cooed.

"we're going to meet again, right?"
he asked, his voice suddenly became deep.

"we will, daniel, i promise you — soon,"
she smiled to herself.

"very soon,"
she whispered before hanging up.

and it was in that moment when not only daniel regained hope, but he also knew what to write.

"so beautiful, beautiful, you're more beautiful than anyone else — so don't be sick, don't cry, if you can hear this song, come back to me," daniel sang softly, strumming his guitar.

beautiful / kang danielWhere stories live. Discover now