chapter ten

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come back to me. |


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DANIEL KISSED hyemi on her forehead before sending her off. hyemi had to leave to seoul to do her final touch-ups in moving back. she had to pack more stuffs and say goodbye to those she had to leave.

"you'll come back, right?" daniel questioned the girl. hyemi smiled, she tiptoed and gave daniel a quick peck to the cheek. "yes, daniel. i will come back," she reassured the boy.

daniel gave his girlfriend a tight hug before letting her go off into the express train. her back faced him as he watched the girl get into the train — their distance increasing.

snowflakes are falling down, daniel exhaled; a large amount of smoke came out of his mouth. daniel had his hands in his front pocket of his leather jacket.

as the train leaves, the two waved each other goodbye. and with that, the train in front of him is gone and the distance between them widened, and soon enough, hyemi would be in a different city; miles away from each other.


"danny boy, she has a life to live, stop being so obsessed, she'll call you, okay?" minhyun groaned while patting the back of his friend. daniel ran his fingers through the locks of his hair. "it's been like a week, bro. she hasnt returned any of my calls!" daniel was worried.

minhyun sighed, he turned over to jisung, motioning him to knock some senses into daniel. "daniel-ah, moving from a city to another city isnt easy. it takes a lot of time, maybe she doesnt have enough time to reply," jisung shrugged.

daniel was convinced that it was because she's busy thats why she couldnt reply — rather than her totally forgetting about him or her just cheating on him.


outgoing call to:
hyemi 💞

the girl's voice sounded through the phone.

daniel wanted to speak but he was being cut off.

"— daniel i cant talk right now, i have to sign
some stuffs. apparently, our stuffs are all missing!
the truck got lost somewhere and just ugh,"
the girl complained.

"o-oh, okay,"
daniel was disappointed.

"you'll come back, right?"
daniel tried to lighten up the mood.

"yes, babe, i will. i was supposed to move back three days ago but because the truck lost our stuff, it seems like i have to stay just a little longer,"
the girl sighed.

"o-oh, well— do you want me to meet you?
i can always drive to seoul,"
daniel suggested.

"it's okay, i dont want to trouble you.
just a few more days and we'll get to be together!"
she giggled which made daniel's heart flutter.

"well, okay then. take care, i love you,"
daniel smiled to himself.

"i love you too,"
and vice versa.

"ew, seeing daniel hyung talk like that makes me puke," woojin faked a gag. jihoon laughed at him. daniel threw a pillow at his friends, trying to make them stop teasing.

"i think that's cute," daehwi smiled to himself. guanlin raised a brow at him. "you need to find a girlfriend asap," he chuckled, making the rest laugh while daehwi the only one offended.

"that's the way, daniel!" jihoon clapped his hands. daniel was at the boxing ring, doing his usual routines. it has been five days since the last phone call they had, daniel was worried for her.

daniel panted heavily, he falls down, tryin to catch his breath because he has been punching the same bag over and over again for 30 minutes.

his ten friends clapped for him from afar. "you're doing great, danny!" guanlin cheered for his older brother. "you wanna know something, daniel?" seongwoo exclaimed from outside the ring.

daniel turned to look at his best friend, waiting for his continuation. "i'm really proud of you. ever since hyemi came back into your life, it feels like you've changed— to a happier daniel. no more smoking, less drinking, no more getting into fights," seongwoo explained.

daniel just smiled to himself. he, was proud of himself too for changing. "yeah! me too," jaehwan proudly commented out of nowhere, and so did the nine of them. daniel laughed to himself, he was happy that he had his friends around whenever hyemi isnt.

incoming call:
hyemi 💞

daniel panted heavily.

hyemi trailed off.

daniel did the same.

"i'm supposed to be coming back today.
now, exactly— but i just received a call
from the train service,"
she sighed, sounding disappointed.

"what did they say?"
daniel questioned.

"look outside, daniel,"
she exclaimed.

and so daniel did. he looked outside the window and all he could see was snow falling down heavily and piles of them by the roadside.

was all daniel said.

"heaps of them, right?"
hyemi turned the question around.

"baby, what are you trying to say?"
daniel was confused.

"daniel, the train cant move because
of the heavy snow. it blocked most area
of the railway, it cant move,"
hyemi explained, then sighing.

was the only thing daniel could
bring himself to say.

"and the next train wont be until a week? later,"
said the girl.

"b-but i'll try, okay? if there's a spot
open for a ride later, i'll hop on the next
one as soon as possible, okay?"
hyemi tried to lighten up the mood.

"are you sure you dont want me to be there?"
daniel whined.

"yes, daniel. dont come here, it's too dangerous
and too cold. please, daniel, listen to me,"
hyemi sternly said.

"o-okay. i'll see you soon, i guess,"
daniel pouted and then hanging up before
she could even get the chance to say
goodbye or even an i love you.

lol daniel u done fucked up :") boy's gonna reGRET

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