chapter seven

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as wide as the ocean. |


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DANIEL SCRUNches his nose at the sight of his ex love right in front of him. he cant help but smile foolishly at her.  the two were sitting at the cafe that they both loved going back when two of them were seeing each other.

daniel ordered his regular iced coffee and hyemi ordered iced latte. daniel had his chin on the palm of his hands and stared at the girl in front of him with eyes of indulgence. the girl got shy in a matter of a few seconds because it has been a year since they last talked or seen each other.

"you dont know how happy i am right now, hyemi-ah," daniel whispered, smiling and vice versa. "why did you come back so soon?" he asked the girl. a smile creeped up on her lips, she leaned back on her chair. "i'm moving back to busan," she announced.

daniel couldnt help but leave his jaw dropped. "you're — you're moving back? with your parents?" daniel bombarded the girl with questions. "yes, they decided to come back to busan and i still have about five months of school left here," she smiled, looking at the happy side of daniel.

there was a long moment of silence before they both realized it was 4 am in the morning. the cafe was opened for 24 hours. they were talking and catching up on life for hours in there. it really did felt like old times.

"i - my friends, told me they saw you with youngmin here, can i just ask — why were you with youngmin?" daniel changed the topic. her smile faded away, she shakes her head. "oh, uh, when i first arrived, i just walked around the university and the park, then i coincidentally met youngmin there," she explained herself.

"jesus, that guy's everywhere, right?" she laughed, daniel agreed, laughing along with her. "so what do you do now?" hyemi asks, daniel frowned, he was literally nothing without her. "i — uh, made new friends, and uh, i ride a bike now!" he sheepishly smiled.

daniel told hyemi everything, except for the part where he smokes now. heck, hyemi would be so disappointed in him, it'll kill him, and he wouldnt want the risk. for now, he would just keep it a secret, a secret between him and his friends.

hyemi's eyes widened, she gasped, "really?! wow! i cant believe you actually have friends now!" she teased the boy. he rolled his eyes jokingly at her. she laughed it off, before reaching out for his hand and intertwined her's with his'.

"im just joking, daniel," she giggled. "you ride a bike? that's awesome! can i ride on it too?" she raised her brow. daniel smiled widely at her, excitedly, he said sure! sure! you want to take a ride on it now? and hyemi willingly agreed.

the two head out of the cafe, daniel introduced hyemi to his bike. "it's beautiful," hyemi whispered to herself, daniel nod his head, stared at her indulgently. "i know, right?" daniel said, she agreed — and off into the sunset they go.

"it's still as beautiful as i remember," hyemi softly spoke, she took of her helmet and placed it on the seat of daniel's bike.

daniel apparently really did took off into the sunset — but this time, sunrise. he took her to the beach, where they used to go together if one of them wanted to skip lectures and had no other else to head.

the beach used to be their special place — somewhere only they knew, because it wasnt any normal beach. it was like a hidden doorway, you know? there was sand, rocks, the big ocean, but it's just a small area. very windy, very spacious, no one knew it existed — except for them.

daniel and hyemi sat on the soft sand and felt the wind rub against their skins. the ocean waves coming back to meet the sand, then going off back into the sea. it was beautiful — very beautiful.

"they say memories are like a storage room as wide as the ocean," daniel broke the silence between them, looking at the sun rising and meeting the horizon. hyemi looked to her left, at daniel's side view.

"i get lost in them all day," he whispered, then meeting eyes with the girl. "when you were gone, all i felt was loneliness," he continued on, then staring back at the sun. hyemi rests her head on daniel's shoulder.

"this loneliness was the only trace of you that i could hold onto," he added on. the girl looks up and rests her chin on his shoulder, their eyes meeting, then total silence falls against them.

silence — only the sound of their hearts beating as one could be heard. "so i force myself to shut my eyes, and endure through the day," he whispered, before leaning in towards her.

without thinking, she did the same, and soon, their lips met and they kissed. a year worth of wait, all in that ten seconds kiss. daniel pulled away, the girl pouted at daniel's emotional yet poetic words.

daniel kissed her forehead gently, then whispering — "be with me, jung hyemi," his words lingered in her head for five seconds. "i missed the chance to be with you last year, and ... and i'm not going to make the same mistake again," he was sure of his words.

hyemi weakly smiled at him, touched by his words, she pecked his cheeks, then looked into his big eyes that were staring straight into her soul. "i'll be with you, kang daniel," she said. "i'll be with you until the day i die; i lost you once and i dont plan on losing you again," she continued.

that — was the day daniel and hyemi got together. after years of them sharing their love towards each other, after losing each other not only once, but several times, after years of everything, jung hyemi and kang daniel finally got together, and it was the day both of them would never forget.

im publishing a seongwoo fic soon so hype it up!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yay danik and hyemi are back!!

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