|Shot 16| • Baking Disaster • |Jyatt|

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These cute lil goofs 😂♥ ~Jae👑

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I studied the recipe cards carefully to make sure I didn't mess up anything, but somehow I did anyway. It's Jack's birthday, and Finn was planning a surprise party for him.

Finn put me in charge of baking and cooking, and so far I had four recipes to follow and was up to my elbows in ingredients.

I let out a deep sigh.

Suddenly I felt gentle hands on my shoulders and warm breath on my neck as I stared at a recipe card for cookies.

"What'cha doin?" a smooth voice asked softly.

I turned around with heat flooding my cheeks and grinned.

"Hey, Jaeden. Just trying to figure out how in the hell I screwed up cookies"

He turned to face the batch of cookies I left on the top of the stove.

"Wyatt, they look fine" he assured me as he picked one up and took a bite.

"Jae, they taste like tar" I warned him.

He scrunched his face up like he regretted putting it in his mouth and groaned, but smiled enthusiastically.

"No, really!" he coughed. "They're good!"

"How in the hell did I screw up the easiest treat to make?" I sighed as I wiped my hands with a towel and tossed it at the sink.

I sighed again and rested my chin in my hands and propped my elbows on the counter.

He walked over to me and gave a warm grin.

"Hey, come on, you make good stuff all the time! Finn shouldn't have put you in charge of making everything, that's too stressful. How about I help you?" he offered.

I wiped my eyes and couldn't help but giggle when I turned to face his warm, goofy grin.

"You're right. Finn just wants this to be perfect for Jack, it is his birthday after all"

"Maybe he's just trying to get lucky" he smirked.

"Jaeden!" I scolded as I threw flour at him.

"Just kidding, let's get baking" he rubbed his hands together and laughed.

He grabbed another mixing bowl and began to add ingredients, helping me through it the whole way and making sure I didn't slip up.

"When did you get so good at this?" I asked while mixing.

"I don't know" he shrugged. "I guess I've just watched you enough to pick up a few things"

"I'm not that good at cooking" I blushed.

"Are you kidding? Your cooking and baking is like drugs to me" he said sweetly.

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