|Shot 17| • Night Terrors I •

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It's been a year since that clown terrorized Derry and murdered all those children, including my poor little brother Georgie. A year since I almost lost the boy I fell inevitably and irrevocably in love with.


Stan has grown so much since then, but he still has nightmares. Sometimes they're not too bad, and sometimes he wakes up screaming, often calling me for comfort. But when he called me for the third time, I couldn't take just sitting at home while he sat in bed alone, frightened, in a pool of sweat and tears in the dark.

I couldn't take my Stan being alone and frightened. I can't stand it when he is hurt or scared. So I left my empty house and went to Stan's. It was pouring rain, but I could care less. Stan was more important than being a wuss about getting a little wet.

His dad was most likely away or asleep drunk but either way, I wasn't gonna just use the front door, I knew I had to be cautious and covert.

I walked with a stealthy gait and climbed Stan's roof to his window. I knocked lightly, hoping he would hear me but without startling him.

I watched his silhouette slowly rise from his bed, turn on his lamp, and trudge to the window. He slowly opened it, careful not to make too much noise. He rubbed his eyes and smiled when he saw me.


I smirked.

"Hey, Stan. Can I come in?"

He smiled wide and pulled me in.

"Yeah," he whispered, "of course. What're you doing here?"

"I had to make sure you're okay. What's going on, Stanny?"

"I had another nightmare..."

He put his head down and sat on his bed, his head in his hands. I sat down next to him.

"Tell me about it, Stan" I said softly, trying to keep him soothed.

"You should get dried off first" he chuckled lightly, and I laughed as I ran a hand through my soaking wet hair.

"Right, sorry"

He rolled his eyes playfully and went to grab a towel. I took off my wet jacket and dried my hair with the towel.

"Thanks, Stan" I smiled, and he sat back down next to me. "So tell me what's wrong"

I wrapped my arm around him and gave him a moment to collect himself. My stutter had faded over the year, and it diminished whenever I was around Stan.

"I...I-I was kidnapped. The clown took me to the sewers and left me to try to figure a way out...but I couldn't. The tunnel kept going and going and going and I just couldn't get out. Then, I couldn't move. Then the...clown...appeared out of thin air, laughing at me. I turned to him and I saw him standing behind the club. You, Richie, Bev...everyone. He was picking them off one by one and..."

He started to sob. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders, pulling him into my embrace. His breathing became irregular with every sob.

"Shh....shhh, I'm right here, Stan" I cooed tenderly.

I wiped his tears away with my thumb and let him continue, his breathing slowly steadying.

"I begged him to just kill me, and to let you all go but I had to watch as he killed you all instead. And when he got to you...I had to watch him tear you apart. I couldn't watch, Bill. It felt like I was being ripped apart myself. I begged him to let you go but I had to watch him take you away from me...I-I couldn't do anything about it I had to fucking watch you die..."

And with that he started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Shh shhhh, Stan I'm right here, I'm right here I'm not going anywhere" I assured him.

I placed kisses all along his forehead and head and cheeks and held him close.

"Look at me" I said softly and gently cupped his beautiful face as I brought it up to meet my gaze.

I took a moment to admire his golden-brown eyes and watched as he sniffled with tears streaming down his face as his eyes searched mine quizzically.

He's so beautiful, even with tears staining his beautiful eyes and streaming down his handsome face. He still has scars on either side of his face from It. They had healed after a year, of course, but the marks remained prominent on his skin. It hurt to see them, and I wish I would've found him sooner when we got separated. I should've stayed with him and made sure he was with me.

I can't let anything hurt him, ever again.

"It's not real, Stanny. We defeated It, you're safe. We're all safe, nothing is gonna hurt you or the club, I promise. I promise, I'll keep you safe" I assured him.

He nodded and closed his eyes. I kissed his forehead and held him close, letting the last of his tears fall onto my shirt. He wrapped his arms around my neck and sighed.

"Thank you, Bill" he breathed into my chest.

"Nobody touches Stan Uris" I laughed.

He playfully punched my face and giggled.

I got up to leave, but not before I felt his fingers grasp my hand.

"Please, stay" he pleaded, looking up at me with sweet eyes.

How could I say no, especially when he looks at me like that? I felt my heart flutter and beat rapidly in my chest.

I nodded and gave him a warm smile before laying down on his bed. He snuggled close to me and nuzzled his head on my chest as he laid his arms across my stomach. I wrapped my arms around his slightly smaller frame and held him close, listening to the sounds of his small sleepy breaths before falling asleep with him in my arms.

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