6. Lips

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Yerin smiled and look at him. Her smile slowly cease when she found him staring at her, intensely. That dark eyes were looking at her in a way she can't describe, but it gives Yerin butterflies in her stomach.

"You are so beautiful when you smile Yerin." Taehyung suddenly said in a very deep yet so romantic voice. Now she felt like the butterflies will burst out! Yerin blush and immediately, she looks away from him.

"Look at me. If you are happy with my improvement, please look at me. You made me sad when you looked away like that. Do you hate me?"

"Well.. you pulled pranks on me, a lot. We both were." You said, still not looking at him.


Yes, we were. Just then she realized. Since the day she tutored him, no more pranks are pulled between them. Taehyung didn't bother her anymore. In class, Yerin and Taehyung sat side by side, diligently studying instead of bickering and scoffing. Oh wow. This tutoring impacts our attitude too! And... my heart. Yerin glanced to look at him. He is still looking at her.

Taehyung smiled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Taehyung asked when her eyes told him that she was trying to say something, but words didn't come out.

Yerin's eyes wavered away from his eyes as it's trailing down to his nose, and to his lips. After a quite good time, she looked at his eyes again. Yerin was trying to figure out his feelings for her and her feelings for him.

After looking at his face long enough, Yerin felt like her hands would love to caress that handsome face and to kiss his lips. She wants to feel how it felt like if his delicate hands interlocked with hers. She wants to feel how it's like if his lips met hers.

Her eyes widen in instant when she really felt a pair of lips softly met hers. Without breaking the brief peck, Taehyung's eyes was looking into her eyes for a moment as if he was asking a permission to do more.

When Yerin didn't back off and didn't even move, Taehyung closed his eyes and his lips started to move against hers, delicately. Yerin felt sparks burst in her mind and the butterflies burst out of her stomach.

Her hands instinctively moved to the back of his neck and she pulled him closer. Now both of their lips moved in sync: very smoothly, delicately yet so passionate against each other.

After some time, Taehyung only parted away to let both of them to breathe properly and he took this good time to tuck her hair behind her ear and look into her eyes again.

"I love you Yerin." Taehyung confessed breathlessly as he connected his forehead to Yerin's.

"W-what?" Yerin stuttered as she tried to process what he had just said to her and what had just happened in between them.

She quickly back off and cup her face. Shit. I let myself lose control! Yerin mentally groaned at her fatal mistake. Taehyung frowned then he touched her hands.

"Taehyung, I am so sorry." You sighed. "I lose control. I—we shouldn't kiss. Never.." Yerin bit her lower lips nervously.

"Why can't we? Because it is only me who love you?" Taehyung asked.

Yerin looked away from him and it annoy Taehyung. He doesn't like it when she avoided his eyes while he was desperately searching for it. Taehyung grabbed her hands and pulled her closer to him. His action finally made her to look at him.

"Tell me the reasons why. Didn't your eyes say that you wanted it? Didn't your lips move against me because you wanted it?"

Blood flushed to her cheeks when he pointed out about the kiss.

"Are you teasing me right now? Is this a prank?" Yerin asked him and tried to pull off her hands from him.

"You yourself know this isn't a prank Ahn Yerin." Taehyung said in a calm voice.

"Then why did you say you love me?" Yerin stupidly asked him.

"Because I really love you." Taehyung said it again without a slight of hesitation.

"Don't lie. We are enemy you know? And you started it! How can you say you love me after what we have been through?! If this is the biggest prank you gonna pull, then you better stop it!" she glared at him angrily.

Yerin was mad because she has started to fall in love with him, but he didn't show a hint saying he loves her back. The only indifferent in him was when he was at the infirmary. Other than that was all the evil Taehyung.

"You put a gum on my chair, you hid my shoes, you pull my hair, you always lock the back door when I was late to school!" Yerin has gone really mad remembering the pranks he had done to her.

Taehyung was panicking.

"But you did the same! You flatten my soccer ball, you threw my shoes on a tree, you accidently splash soda on my shirt and you always hid my P.E. attire so that I'll be late and got punished!" Taehyung fired back.

Both of them stayed silent reminiscing the stupidest and the childish pranks they had pulled on each other.

"Yerin, give me a chance." Taehyung caressed her hands gently as he pleaded. "I know I have been bad to you—"

"Taehyung?" A voice was calling for Taehyung from the downstairs.

Yerin immediately pulled her hands away from him. She distanced away and start packing her stationery.

"Oh there you are!" And the person is Park Jimin.

Taehyung smiled bitterly as he raised up his right hand, to greet his friend. Jimin flashed his sweet smile to Taehyung and Yerin.

When he noticed Yerin was ready to go home, he said, "You guys finished already? It's quicker than usual. Tae, I have a really good feeling that you will score your math!" Jimin was genuinely happy for his friend's effort.

"I'll go home first. Bye." You smiled to Jimin and leave without sparing a glance to Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed as he leaned on his chair. He looked out the window, brushing his hair back as he bit his lower lip. He looked upset and he always bit his lips when he was upset.

As Taehyung's closest buddy, Jimin noticed that.

"Why? What's wrong? You guys fought again?" Jimin asked as he touched Taehyung's other hand on the table. Taehyung shook his head. He felt that Yerin would not like it if he told Jimin about the kiss that happened just now.

It's okay, I'll talk to her tomorrow.

Taehyung thought and nodded.

- To Be Continued

Congrats to our boys for the US debut!! <3

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