8. His Efforts

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Today Yerin came to school and she found another rose on her table. She weirdly stared at it and she also glanced to Taehyung who acts don't know while play games on his phone.

Yerin shook her head as she already knew it was him. No need to guess since it's the fourth time the rose appeared on her desk every morning she arrived to school.

Four days ago,

"Morning...beautiful??" Yerin read a note pad sticking on the rose's stem. She has just arrived to school and something in red and smelt good was on her table. A red rose.

"Do you like it?" Taehyung immediately turned to her with a smile.

"So it's you?" Yerin pointed the rose towards him.

"No. I don't know who put it." Yerin rolled her eyes to his denial.

"This is your hand writing lol." She snickered.

Taehyung bit his lower lips. 'I should have asked Jimin to write it' He thought. But when he saw her smiling and put the rose at the left upper side of her table, Taehyung smiled too.

"What is lol by the way?" Taehyung asked when he suddenly remember the unique term she used just now.

"Uh.. You don't know?"

Surprise again from this guy. Taehyung shook his head and his eyes sparkle with curiosity.

'Lol' can be a lot of meaning. Yerin used it to expressed her amusement; 'Laugh out loud'. However, the meaning varies  to 'Lots of love' somehow.

After debating whether to tell him or not, Yerin decided not to tell.

"... It's nothing important." she said.

Since then, there will be any weird kinds of Taehyung appeared. The one she had ever known whether it was his nature or his act to tackle her. Becasue sometimes, he acted innocently when Yerin caught him off guard and other times, he will daringly conveyed his feelings.

Scene one,

"What are you looking at?" Yerin asked without turning to him. She noticed he has been glancing and sometimes staring for a while at her OR the view outside the big window.

"You." Taehyung simply answered making her heart skip a beat. Taehyung smiled when he saw her blushing.

Scene two,

"What is this?" Yerin's usual question if there was something given to her.

"For you." Taehyung's answer was always short and simple but it still managed to flatter her poor heart.

"Why are you so kind?" sometimes she was scared. It was very, very unusual for having an almost mutual enemy became tame.

"Because you're giving me a chance to tackle you." Taehyung smiled very sweetly that so many arrows have been shot to her heart. It made her wonder if she could wear cupid-arrow-proof to school to protect her weakling heart.

"I'm not used to the kind you." Yerin commented in a quiet voice.

"You will soon." he replied in the same tone and once again, he shot her the sweetest smile of his.

Scene three,

"Hi," Taehyung would greet as he lightly touched either her back or her elbow.

He did that whenever they met outside from the classroom. He was not only greeted her, he also smiled and sometimes would flashed a flirty wink.

Oh, Yerin didn't know how many times he tortured her heart like that. Every day, every times he smiled, countless arrows were short straight to her heart, aiming for the bull's eye. The hole were torn from a tiny one to a big, big one; allowing a man named Kim Taehyung to have a spot in Yerin's heart.

. . .

"Girls, I'm confused." One day, Yerin shared her mixed feeling to her girlfriends.

"About what? Taehyung?" Chia was the first to speak. Yerin nod.

"Hey, I heard dating rumors about you and Tae. Is it true?? Why haven't you tell us in the first place?!" Hanny came, slammed her tray on the table and sat beside Yerin. She glared at her because she was quite mad.

"Well I didn't tell you anything because it wasn't true!" Yerin looked at her with a frown.

"It wasn't true? Why??" Hanny whined. Although she will get mad for not being the first person to get to know the 'good news', but it kinda sad because she was expecting that Yerin and Taehyung would go on a date. In her opinion, Taehyung and Yerinbis a good match. Hanny really ship this love-hate relationship.

"Where did you hear that? Cause I haven't." Byul asked. Chia nodded; agreeing because she didn't hear about that too.

"From Tae's fangirls of course~" Hanny said then mouthing to a group of girls eating not far from their table.

"Fangirls?" Yerin snapped and turned around to look. Hanny quickly pulled her neck to make she sit facing them. "Don't make it obvious!" Hanny warned.

"He got fangirls??" Yerin asked in disbelief. Chia and Byul nodded.

"You have been busy in 'war field' that you didn't even notice that the guy you fought with is the most popular boy in school!" Hanny whispered in a firm voice.

"Ew why are you whispering?" Yerin slightly pushed Hanny away from her ear.

"Because you will get strike twice by his fangirls." Hanny stated. "They will not let you date him if you got three strikes." She started to tell Yerin and her friends about the strikes thingy.

First strike Yerin got was because she always fought with Taehyung and pulled pranks on him. Second was because Yerin didn't know him inside out. If Yerin get a third strike, then she will automatically outs from the qualification of being the suitable girlfriend for Taehyung!

"Excuse me, I did know his inside out. His angel and devil side, to be precise." Yerin claimed.

"If you talk bad about him and they hear you then you are strike thrice!" Hanny nudged Yerin.

"But I'm here trying to show that I got only ONE strike." Yerin protested to defense herself. Besides pulling pranks on him, Yerin did know him well.

Chia, Byul and Hanny immediately smile.

"So you really do like him." They cooed.

And so Yerin has fallen into their trap. She didn't even get to confess her worry yet and here came another worry: Her friends are going to help her to confess to Taehyung.

Maybe, they were forcing her to do so; knowing that she was quite stubborn.

- To be continued

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