7. Talk

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The next morning,

Yerin slowly walk to her class and sometimes she would peek behind her. Afraid if Taehyung was walking behind and will talk about yesterday. This is just too fast. Whole school knew Yerin and Taehyung are enemy. What will happen if they knew both of them had just kissed?!

They might think that the prank war has ended and be either happy or mad or sad or whatever but, Yerin didn't know how to react to his sudden confession. Her heart skips a beat for him sometimes, but was that love? What strange was, how the heck he can fall in love with her?

Yerin had never shown any of her feminine side to him. He has seen the evil of her though. This has risen the confusion in her head and her heart. Since when he started to like her? Just recently because both of them studied together? Yerin didn't think so. His action at the school infirmary came across her mind again.

He was so gentle when he tucked her hair behind her ear. He stroked her hair softly and she was sure 100% that he must had been staring at her face while she was pretending to sleep.

Yerin blushed when she recalled of how he stared at her yesterday. Did he stare at me like that when in the infirmary? Yerin tapped both of her cheeks harder and fasten her step to class. She took a deep breath before opening the door and walked in.

"Morning." Yerin smiled when her classmates greeted her. Usually she was the one to greet them but today she felt meh.

From her vision, Yerin noticed Taehyung was staring at her. She ignored him and smiled to her classmates as they exchanged morning greetings.

Yerin soon arrived at her table and today his feet stayed under his table.

"Morning." Taehyung greets Yerin while he looks up to her, flashing a nervous smile.

"Morning." Yerin returned the greeting quietly without looking at him.

All their classmates were looking at Yerin and Taehyung.

Did they just exchanged their morning greetings?? They must think of that. Yerin decided to ignore their stare and pull her chair to sit.

Out of blue, her bag stuck in between her chair and Taehyung's chair. Taehyung immediately helped by pushing his chair to the right side.

At this time, Yerin can't help but to look at him. He was looking at her too. The staring time went for quite some time before Taehyung said her name.


"Thanks." she quickly cut him off and look out the window. From the window's reflection, Yerin can see Taehyung's sad face before he faced to the front.

She took the chance to stare at his side profile. His side profile is so handsome and it is such a shame that Yerin noticed it today after almost 8 months sitting side by side. Taehyung surprisingly has long eyelashes. No wonder his eyes were a killer to her heart!

Yerin quickly avert her eyes when Taehyung suddenly glanced to see her.

. . .

The day went with both of them being so quiet and awkward with each other. It continues till end of school period. The bell rang and their classmates left for home while Yerin stay seated.

Taehyung did the same.

Since the tutor thingy starts, Yerin and him will leave the class together and separate once they arrived at the teacher's room. Taehyung will continue walking to the library, while Yerin will pick up the answer booklet on Miss Seohyun's table.

But today, however, Yerin can feel that it will be a very different evening.

"I want to talk about yesterday." Taehyung was the first to break the silence.

"I don't want to talk about it." Yerin strictly said and got up. She was about to leave when Taehyung grabbed her left arm.

"I think we should. If not we'll be really awkward like today and I really don't like it." Taehyung looked at her with pleading eyes.

"But today is okay for me. We didn't bicker you know. No pranks, no grudges," she tried pulling off her hand but his grip was too tight.

"Let's make it clear then. If we talk today, and we are clear, I promise I won't disturb you anymore." Taehyung was so serious. He really wanted to talk about yesterday.

"Make it fast and clear. What is it?" Yerin decided to hear him out. She sat back on her chair and faced him. Taehyung seems nervous to start but he needs to start before Yerin leave any sooner.

"About my confession yesterday," He started off and watched her reaction before continuing, "It was true Yerin. I love you. I pranked and played jokes on you a lot because it's the only way for me to communicate with you bravely."

"Huh?" Yerin didn't understand. "But why pranks?" that was pretty weird. Instead of starting the conversation with cheesy lines or shy talk, he chose to pull pranks on her.

"Because I was too shy to talk to you and you seem not interested in me. I was the noisiest boy in class yet I didn't get your attention. That was why I blocked the back door. And then you paid me back by hiding my P.E attire. We kept on doing pranks like that and honestly, I like it. I like it because you finally paid attention to me. Although it wasn't in a gentle way." Taehyung bit his lip after he said the last sentence.

"You are really weird Taehyung." Yerin commented in disbelief.

"I know I am Yerin. So please forgive me and give me a second chance. I'll try to win your heart with the normal way." Taehyung started to grab a hold of her hands.

. . .

"Normal way??" Jimin stopped tearing the Twisties pack and looked at Taehyung.

"He said what?" Yoongi asked because he barely caught what Taehyung told them. He spoke so fast that Yoongi can't catch what he was saying.

"He wants to tackle her using a normal way." Namjoon re-told. They were hanging out at Hope World; Hoseok's studio. After having a dinner at Hoseok's family restaurant downstairs, they went upstairs and to the third floor where Hoseok's studio was. The second floor was Hoseok's house.

"What do you mean by 'normal' Tae?" Hoseok asked while leaning on his chair. He made a bracket fingers when he mentioned 'normal' because it's unusual for Kim Taehyung to be norm. Hoseok glanced to Jungkook in case he knew what Taehyung meant, but he just shrugged off his shoulder.

"I don't know yet. But it's other than pranking her of course." Taehyung sighed. They all giggled.

"See, pranking her isn't a good idea to tackle a girl." Jimin was delighted Taehyung finally understood.

"But she recognized me by that." Taehyung defense himself. Namjoon shook his head while Yoongi already ignored them by playing with his phone.

Hoseok noticed that then he stated, "Unlike you, I am more curious of how the hell Yoongi got a girlfriend."

Hearing that, Yoongi just puckered his lips and shrugged. He doesn't really talk about his personal since he preferred to keep it to himself unless it's an important matter. And it was nice of him already to let them know who his girlfriend is. Yoongi silently smiled.

"Well hyung, firstly, let's be gentle." Jungkook finally opened his golden mouth. Five pairs of eyes are on him and six ears are hearing of what Jungkook is planning.

- To Be Continued.

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