|Shot 33| • Rain • |Jyatt|

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I concealed the movie tickets in my hand and made my way over to Wyatt's. I tried hard to conceal my smile and excitement, but once I stepped to his door, it was inevitable.

I cleared my throat and knocked. Wyatt opened the door a moment later with his golden curls brushing his caramel eyes. His eyes were always my favourite, and they lit up with a smile once they met mine.

"Hey, Wy" I grinned.

"Hey, you goof. Come in"

"Are we alone?" I questioned, and stepped inside.

He pulled me by the hem of my shirt and kissed my lips. He grabbed fistfuls of my shirt and deepened the kiss, the taste of his lips driving me insane.

"I'll take that as a yes" I said breathlessly as we pulled away moments later. "Look what I got"

I pulled the movie tickets out of my pocket and brought them in front of our faces.

"Huh!" he gasped in excitement. "I've been wanting to see that!"

He grabbed them joyfully and studied them in his hands.

"They're for 8:00 tonight. I'll pick you up at 7:30, is that okay?"

"I can't wait" he smiled, and he pulled me by my waist to connect our lips.

"I'll see you at 8:00" I whispered against his lips before turning away, and when he grasped my fingers for more, I didn't want to let go.


I slipped on a white T-Shirt and a white long-sleeved blouse over top. I pulled on black jeans and parted my gelled hair to the side. I put on deodorant and sprayed on some cologne before heading out the door to my car and driving to Wyatt's.

I was really excited for tonight. Not exactly for the movie, but getting any alone time with Wyatt was vital to me. We have to keep our relationship a secret, for many reasons, and I cherished every moment I had with Wyatt. I love him, and I hate that we have to hide our love, but it's better than not having him in my life.


I knocked on his door, and not a second later he shouted for me to come in. I opened the door and stepped inside.

"Wyatt?" I called.

"I'll be down in a second!"

I chuckled at that; Wyatt always took longer than me to get ready. I cared about looking nice, too, but it only took me a few minutes. A moment later, I heard his footsteps descending the stairs.

"Hey, Wy. Ready to g-" I started, but once I turned around and faced him, my jaw dropped to the floor and my eyes were captivated by the sight of him.

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