Moving In With the Wilson Boys

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 So this is the second book I’ve started to write on here, I’m really excited to write this!  I was inspired by quite a few stories to write this, but don’t worry no plagiarism.  Hope you enjoy! And sorry for grammar errors!


Chapter 1-

“Brandan, why can’t you take me with you?” I ask my 23-year-old brother in tears.  We are both in tears at this point.  I guess that’s what losing your parents will do to you.

“Riley, you know I want to, we will figure something out, I won’t leave you alone,” my brother promised me.  Why would he leave me?  I don’t have mom or dad and now I’m losing him too?

It was late last night; my parents were out at a work meeting.  They were workaholics, not that they didn’t have time for my brother and I because they did.  Family always came first.  On their way home they were at a stoplight, then when it turned green my dad hit the gas.  Right at that moment a drunk driver ran a red light.  I was told my parents both died as soon as the car impacted with the other.

We have been waiting at the hospital since, waiting for someone to come tell us what to do.  I hear a noise behind me and turn around to see a tall man coming in with a suit and a brief case. 

“Brandan may I speak with you?” the man asks my brother.  I have the biggest knot in my stomach; I just know this is the moment they take me away from my brother. 

“Yeah sure, one second please? My brother tells the man walking towards me.  “Everything is going to be alright, ok Riley?” my brother hugs me then walks with the man.

It seems like forever they are talking.  Brandan is making huge hand gestures while talking to the man.   He only does that when he’s angry or nervous.  The guy looks calm explaining things to my brother.  After what seems like forever, they finally walk back to me.

“Riley,” they guy greets me holding out his hand, “How are you doing?”

“Considering my parents died just a few hours ago, not that well,” I reply probably ruder then he was expecting, but what do you expect I just lost my parents.  I feel Brandan nudge my back, but I could careless he’s leaving me.

“I’m sorry about that Riley, I would just like to inform you that your parents have planned on were you are going to live for awhile,” he says with a straight face.  Man I really don’t like this guy.

“Where is that the orphanage?” Please say no…

“No, they are putting you in the hands of Jessica and Chris Wilson,” he informs me.  They sound familiar; I think my mom has mentioned Jessica a few times.  He hands me a plane ticket.  I stare at it like it’s a foreign object, what does he want me to do with this?

“That will take you to Naples, Florida.  That is where the Wilson family lives.  Take care.” He tells me then walks off.  Well I guess I’m moving to Florida, one problem.  I live in Michigan and it is winter.  I have no clue where all my summer clothes are?

“Things are going to work out trust me.  I’m going to get a job, then work until I can get enough money to support the both of us.  I won’t leave you there riley I swear, you and me forever baby girl,” my brother whispers kissing my head.  This makes me cry more.  “You and me forever baby girl,” my mom always said that to me when I was upset.  Who knew forever ended so short?

 “Come on, let’s get you home to pack, then to the airport,” my brother says trying to hide his tears.  I know he’s crying he can’t fool me, I know him too well.

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