Chapter 11-

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Chapter 11-

As I walked down the hall and stop right infront of Alex’s door I start to freak out.  He is never going to forgive me, I totally over reacted.  Really how stupid am I?  When I asked him how he felt about me and he kissed me instead it should have dawned on me that he is bad with words.  I can’t just assume things like I always end up doing.  Right as I lift my hand to knock on the door I quickly drop it and turn around letting out a huge breath of frustration.

“Why am I so stupid!” I whisper under my breath and put my forehead on the wall in the hallway.  I sit there for awhile till I feel a tap on my shoulder causing me to slowly turn around.  I look up to see Hayden staring down at me with a questionable gaze.

“What’s up buttercup?” he asks me with a slight smirk causing me to laugh slightly at that.  Until I remember why I was upset in the first place then the frown I was just wearing soon makes an appearance and I look down on the ground at my feet.

“I made a fool of myself,” I mumble, but by the slight chuckle he gives I know he heard what I had just said.

“Well what’s so surprising about that?” he asks me.  I get a slight smile.

“Gee, thanks Hayden. Really though this time I said something I regret and I don’t know how to tell the person that I’m sorry…” I leave off.  Hayden shakes his head before walking away and towards Alex’s door.

“Tell Alex that you’re sorry for acting like his kiss meant nothing and didn’t tell you anything, and then tell him next time not to be a panisey and have him come out and say it straight out,” as he says that he knocks on Alex’s door before walking away as I stare at him in shock.

“Close your mouth sweet pea, I told you, I have my way of knowing things,” he smirks until I can no longer see him, and when I turn towards the door I see a half naked Alex with sleepy eyes and his arms crossed over his chest as he stares at me with an upset expression.  I can’t help but get caught up at staring at his bare chest and muscular arms.

“Really Riles, you’re taking this opportunity to check me out?” he asks with his eyebrow raised.  I nod slightly with a blush quickly finding it way to my cheeks.  With that he shakes his head with a small grin appearing on his face and he points into his bedroom stepping out of the way, indicating for me to step in.  I do as he implies and I suddenly feel a little more nervous as I walk in and sit down on his messy bed.  He leans up against his dresser that is across from the bed.  I let out a breath preparing myself for what I am going to say.

“I’m sorry Alex,” I look him in the eyes and say sincerely.

“What for?” he asks as if he doesn’t already know.  He walks closer the bed pacing back in forth as if he is deep in thought about something.

“I mean it’s not like you called me out in front of my brothers or anything.  It’s not like you acted as if I didn’t care how you felt, and it’s definitely like you didn’t act like that kiss meant nothing, oh wait, but it is like that isn’t it?” he says being a smart ass.  I roll my eyes and let out a sigh.

“Alex I’m sorry, ok? I know you aren’t good at expressing your feelings and I should have known that kiss was your way of telling me how you feel, but I guess I was a little hurt that you couldn’t express how you felt to me Alex.  I realize that you don’t do that how expressing thing, but I thought just maybe I was important enough for that,” I said embarrassed a little that I had put myself out there like that.

Alex turned towards me and walked over to where I was sitting on the bed.  He bent down and got on his knees till he was eye level with me.  He grabbed my hands in his before looking me straight in the eye causing goose bumps to go throughout my body and my stomach to go into a fit of knots.  I could tell that his face was completely sincere and he was having a hard time finding the right words to say.

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