Chapter 8-

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Chapter 8-

“Riley, please forgive me I’m so sorry,” Alex is sitting on the side of my bed begging me to forgive him.  This is probably his one-hundredth apology, and honestly I forgave him a hundred apologies ago.  I’ve told him I forgive him he just won’t listen.  I’ve been home for a week now.  I’m finally recovering, it’s Wednesday today, and tomorrow I should have full-strength to go back to school.

“Alex, if you apologize one more time I will not forgive you,” I tell him in all seriousness.  All the boys have been so sweet.  I’m hardly alone, which can be annoying but they really are trying to make me feel better. 

“Okay, okay, so just so we are clear you do forgive me right?” he asks unsure.

“Yes Alex!” I’ve only told him a million times,"  Ok I’m exaggerating, but it definitely feels like it.  I hear ringing but I can’t figure out where my phone is.

“Alex will you find that for me?” I ask him.  He nods and gets up to retrieve it.  He hands me my cell phone then sits on the edge of my bed.

“Hello?” I answer the phone.  I hear a bunch of voices in the background.

“Riley, how are you?” asks my very worried brother.  He’s called a lot since I came home from the hospital; I just haven’t had the strength to really talk to him.

“Hey Brandan, yeah I’m feeling better, they are taking care of me,” I tell him.  Is he at a party?  Seriously who calls their sick sister from a party?

“I’m glad Riles, so here’s the thing, I can’t find a job nobody seems to want to hire me.  So it looks like you are going to be there longer then we thought,” he doesn’t even sound that disappointed, that stings a lot.

“Oh… ok…” I reply.

“Well I have to go, talk to you later Riley, I love you,” he says before hanging up.  The tears come pretty quick, how is my only brother not disappointed that I can’t live with him?  Wow, he doesn’t want me, he doesn’t want to be stuck taking care of someone.  That hurts me a lot.  I feel Alex move over by me and put his arm around me.

“He just doesn’t want me,” I say in a small voice after a few minutes of silence.

“Yes he does Riley!  He’s your brother,” Alex replies.

“Yes, my twenty-three year old, who doesn’t want the responsibility of taking care of me,” I reply a little more angrily.

“Well, even if that is true, which I highly doubt, then it’s his loss,” he tells me.  I know he is only trying to make me feel better, but it honestly doesn’t make me feel better.

“That’s the thing Alex, its not his loss its mine, I’m the one who wont have parents or a brother!” I yell to him.  With that I slam my head down on the pillow face down so I don’t have to look at Alex.

“Ok, pity parties over,” Alex says then I hear his footsteps leave the room, finally!  Wait why are there more footsteps in my room now?  I get up to see all the boys in my room, umm ok?

“What’s going on?” I ask them

“Andrew, get Riley clothes, Hayden and Chance, start the shower and get her a towel.  Ethan plug in the curling thing and the straightening thing, she will chose which one she wants later.  Nick get out her make up.  Taylor and Talon make food, but don’t make a mess.  Peter and Jordan go cheer her up for a bit,” Alex says giving everyone directions.

“What’s going on?” I repeat myself, hoping to get an answer this time.

“We’re all going out princess, that means you too,” he tells me with a smile.

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