Chapter 7-

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Chapter 7-

“How was everyone’s day?” Jessica asks us as we all take a seat at the dinner table.  I’m sitting next to Hayden and Taylor today of course Talon is on the other side of him, those two are impossible to separate.  Chance is across from me and I can feel him sending daggers my way.  I refuse to look at him though.  I hear multiple voices saying, “good” coming from all directions of the table.

“How about you Riley, was today better?” Jessica asks me.  I send her a look and a halfhearted smirk.  She returns it and drops the subject; she knows I don’t want to talk about it.

“That’s it! Does everyone except me know why Riley is here!  I know something happened but I want to know what!”  Chance screams out scaring me.  How could he do this to me?  How could he yell that out knowing I was already upset today?  Now not only do I have to worry about what I was going to tell him, I have to worry about what I am going to tell the whole family.  I make my mind up here and now; it’s time to tell them all why I am here exactly.

“Chance, now that is enough, this is not the place to discuses this, how can you put Riley on the spot like that?” Jessica yells at Chance.

“No, Jessica its ok.  I think everyone in this room deserves to know.  So how many of you know why I am hear?” I ask the table.  Jessica, Chris, Hayden, and Alex raise their hands.  I take a deep breath getting ready to move on.  I close my eyes then continue.

“A few days ago… My parents were on their way home from something to do with their work.  I don’t know what time it was exactly, but it was late…  My dad… He was at a stoplight, but then it turned green, so he went… Umm, well there was a drunk driver… He ran the red light, and you know what happens then… They umm, they... died on impact…” I say through the tears now coming down my face but I’m determined to finish.

“My brother can’t afford to take care of the both of us… So um, I was told I had to come here… He’s coming to get me when he has enough money though,” I say looking down at the table.

“The only reason Alex knows is because he heard me scream when I was having a nightmare about the accident, and then I’m not really sure how Hayden found out, he said it’s because ‘he has his ways of finding things out’ what ever that means,” I finish off.  Everyone is staring at me in awe; they don’t say anything while I wipe the stray tears rolling down my face.  So now they know everything, why do I even have to be in this situation?  Jordan gets up from the table and walks over to me.  He stretches his arms out, silently asking me to pick him up.  I pick him up and he cuddles into my chest.

“Riley, is you sad because of your mommy and daddy?” Jordan asks me, he doesn’t have that usual happy smile on his face.

“Yeah Jordan, I am,” I reply.

“Well, its ok.  I love you lots!” Jordan yells into my shirt.  I laugh hugging him to me.

“Thanks Jordan, I love you lots too,” I tell him, and there it is his happy smile beaming up at me.  Jordan runs back to his seat and starts to eat his food again. 

I turn to see Nick; next to Chance staring down at his plate, he looks up and stares in my eyes.  I see a tear roll down his face, but he quickly wipes it away.  I look around and notice he isn’t the only one crying, Jessica is wiping her cheeks, Talon and Tyler are also sniffling, and Andrew is just frowning at me looking like he is close to tears.  Peter and Jordan are playing with their food, because they don’t really understand the situation.  Then there is Brett, Ethan, Hayden, and Alex staring at the ground, they are too tough to cry.  Chris just gives me a knowing look; I know he cared a lot about my parents.  Lastly, there is Chance he has the guiltiest look on his face, I don’t blame him though, it was only a matter of time until I had to share this.

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