Chapter 4-

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Here’s the next chapter, working hard to upload everyday! Sorry for grammar.  Hope you like it!


Chapter 4-

I walk out of the bathrooms, and start to head for my locker.  This is embarrassing, if I knew Alex had a girlfriend then I never would have let him stay with me last night.  I am not that type of girl.  Then there’s Chance, I was just like openly flirting with him in front of the whole table, of course I didn’t mean anything by that but still everyone knew they had girlfriends except me.  That is extremely embarrassing, and the fact that nether of the boys mentioned it just pisses me off.

I get all of my books from my locker, and head towards my class.  I feel something hit me that make me fall to the ground.  What the heck?  I look up to see a girl, she has curly brown hair with blonde highlights, and she’s very pretty.

“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” I tell her getting up to help her.

“It’s ok I wasn’t watching ether,” she tells me taking my hand.

“Well, I’m Bella, are you new here?” she asks me.

“Yeah I’m Riley,” I tell her with a smile.

“What do you have next hour?” she asks me.

“Government,” I tell her.

“Great! I do too,” she says grabbing my arm and pulling me along with her.  I like this girl; I think we could end up being good friends I smile at the thought.

She pulls us into a classroom; I see Chance is already in the classroom surrounded by a group of people.  He waves in my direction, but I don’t return it.  I’m kind of mad that he didn’t tell me, so he doesn’t deserve a wave back.  I look behind me to see him looking at me with a questioning face, but I just look away.

“So how do you like it here so far?” Bella asks me.

“It’s nice, some girls were rude to me at lunch but other than that it’s nice,” I tell her truthfully.

 “Oh do you mean Sam and Kayla?” she asks me.

“They never told me their names,” I tell her.

“Sam is Alex Wilson’s girlfriend and Kayla is Chance’s,”

“Yup, that’s them!”

“Well don’t worry about them, no one likes them,” Bella reassures me.


Soon school is over and I’m walking out of school to Alex’s car.  Only Alex is there so far, I don’t even bother getting in the front seat.  I sit down in the back and wait for everyone else to pile in.  The best thing about Alex being the way he is, I know that he won’t try talking to me now.

“How was your day?” Alex turns around and asks me.  Ok I was wrong about that.  Ignore him and act like nobody said anything, I just stare out the window.  I didn’t talk to Chance in health ether.  Finally I see Ethan, Hayden, and Chance making their way to the car.

“Hey Riley, how was your day?” Ethan asks me.

“Ehh, pretty good, yours?” I reply.  The look on Alex’s face is priceless, but he deserves this. 

“Her day wasn’t good, she’s lying,” Hayden states.  How does he know everything?  I send a glare in his direction.  All the boys are looking at me now.

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