Chapter 6-

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Chapter 6-

I walk into the lunchroom with my usual escorts Hayden and Chance.  Some how they got into their heads that I can’t walk anywhere alone.  As we get into line I see Bella and call her over.

“Want to sit with us?” I ask her.

“Well, if its ok with everyone else,” she replies looking at the ground blushing.  I turn to the boys and bat my eyes.

“Bella can sit with us, can’t she?” I ask still batting my eyelashes.

“Riley, you need to stop doing that face, and of course she can,” Chance tells me.  I turn to Bella with a smile.  We all grab our food; Hayden and Chance get chips, cookies, drinks, and chicken sandwiches.  While Bella and I stick with salads.  We follow them to the table and see that Chance was right nether of the girls were there.  They all stop talking once we get there.

“What?” I ask.  Why would they stop talking when we get here?  I give Alex a questioning look.

“Nothing,” the table says in unison.  Weird.

“Umm well ok,” I say taking a seat next to Chance, and Bella takes the seat on my other side.

“So the hotties are doubling now are they?” Matt says from across the table.

“Oh yeah, guys this is Bella.  And Matt don’t hit on her, you’ll end up scaring her away,” I warn him.

“Awe, you know me better then that baby girl, my heart is only for you,” he tells me.

“Yes Matt, I know you so well considering I met you just yesterday,” I tell him rolling my eyes.  Everyone around the table is staring at us with amused expressions.  I blush when I realize everyone’s attention is on me.  Thank God Chance breaks the silence.

“So riding solo now man?” Chance asks Alex.

“You got it, she was just a pain,” Alex states.

“Great, now I have even more competition for Riley!” Matt exclaims.

“What do you mean, ‘even more competition’ no one is interested in me, heck the only people to even talk to me, are the people sitting at this table, oh and Sam and Kayla,” I cringe at the thought of them.

“Riley, take a look around.  Every guy in this lunch room is interested in you, the only reason they stay away is because they figure one of these guys will beat them up,” Matt states pointing to the Wilson boys.  I look are and what I see clarifies what Matt says.  Boys from all directions of the room are looking over at me.  How didn’t I notice that before?

“Oh…” I say kind of shocked.  The boys nod and then I turn my attention to Bella.

“So what do you think we are doing in government?” I ask her.  After that we get into deep conversation ignoring the boys.  I’m almost to distracted by our conversation I don’t notice the hot boy in the corner of the lunchroom staring my way.  Like I said, I almost didn’t notice it.  I decide to be a little bold and give him a small wave.  He smirks but just looks away.  Huh, that’s weird.  I look up to see the boys following my gaze on the other side of the lunchroom.

“Riley, no, stay away from him, he isn’t someone you should trust,” Chance informs me.

“Got the message Chance,” I tell him.  Well I got the message, doesn’t mean I’ll listen to him…


I walk out of government with Chance, and we walk to health together.  We get there kind of late so there is only two seats left, one next to some guy but he’s facing the front so I can’t see him, and another seat next to a girl.  Chance takes the seat next to the girl despite the fact he has a girlfriend.  So my only option is the seat next to the guy.  I set my stuff down and face the front of the class.  Curiosity gets the best of me and I turn my head to see who exactly is sitting next to me.

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