Chapter 9-

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A/N: So this chapter is dedicated to, Jacquelyn13 she commented on all my  chapters saying so many nice things!  Which i love feedback, so for her too say all thoes things really made me happy, and she seems to be the only one giving me feedback, so please, vote, comments?


Chapter 9-

We finally got home from the park a few hours ago, and now I’m currently in my room finishing up some homework.  Then I hear a knock door.

“Come in,” I yell for them to hear.

“Hey Riley,” Chance says walking in.

“Hey Chance, what’s up?” I ask him, diverting my attention to him instead of my boring work.

“Umm, I was wondering if you wanted to come in my room in like an hour to do some homework together?  I’m leaving with Alex in a little bit to run some errands with him so I can’t do it now,” he explains.  The question brings me happiness, I really like Chance, there is just something about him that draws me too him, but then again Alex is so sweet.

“Sounds good,” I tell him with a smile.

“Good,” he smiles back before walking out the door.

I smile to myself sitting there; I guess the choice between the two should be easy, Chance is making a move and Alex isn’t, but then why does my stomach get butterflies every time I think of Alex? 

After sitting there for quite awhile thinking I decide I need someone to talk too.  I walk over to the intercom and find the button that says “Nick’s room” then I press it and wait for an answer.

“Nick, can you come to my room?” I say into it.

“Yeah, be there in a minute,” he answers back.  I guess I’m getting the hang of that thing.  I smile at my small accomplishment and sit back down on my bed.

Nick soon walks through the door and sits down on the bed next too me.

“What’s up Riles?” he asks me.

“Umm, I think I might like, umm two of your brothers…” I mumble out, slightly embarrassed to be telling Nick this.  He lets out a sigh and shakes his head.

“So since you said brothers, I take it Hayden is out, and you don’t seem to be into Ethan, so that makes it Alex, and Chance?” he asks.

“Umm, yeah,” I shamefully answer.

“Riley, you no offense to you or my brothers, I mean I love you both, but you picked the two biggest dicks in my family,” he tells me.

“Nick! Language,” I laugh at him.

“Yeah whatever,”

“I didn’t mean to like them, but Alex can be nice, and Chance has his moments as well,” I defend.

“Riley, I really don’t want you to get hurt, but I know you won’t listen to me, so let me put it this way; Alex and Chance have a tendency in hurt the people they get close too,” he warns me.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” I yell out in frustration.

“They just hurt people, not on purpose, it just always happens.  Chance doesn’t think, and Alex tends to push people away.  For some reason Alex decided to let you in, but that doesn’t mean he won’t start to push you away again,” Nick explains.

“Who does he push away?” I ask confused.

“Everyone,” Nick states, “then Chance just doesn’t think before he does half the things he does, so you can see how that leads to trouble,”

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