Fighting for Love

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Chapter 1: Round One

Throwing open the door to Bare Knuckles gym, I stepped just inside the doorway allowing my best friend Taylor entrance into the gym. The crowd in Bare Knuckles was huge and loud. I quickly tugged at the purple tank top and white hot shorts that Taylor had made me put on before leaving my house to come here. I didn’t make any move to leaving the safety of the door area, so she grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the cage that at the moment had two big goons fighting in it. “Hurry up, the fights’ have already started” Taylor tugged on my arm to get me to move faster. Taylor decided to stand and shout while watching the fight, while I on the other hand find an empty chair near her and refuse to even glance at the two fighters duking it out. “Taylor can’t I just go back home” I asked her with a pout on my face hopping she would fall for it and agree to let me go back home.

“No” she said not even glancing in my direction while she cheered on the fight, I just sat there and pouted some more. She turned towards me after a few minutes “you never do anything on Saturdays Emmy” she whine, I open my mouth to tell her that, that was not true but she cuts me off before I could get another word in; “it’s not healthy for someone in high school to enjoy spending so much time at home” she stated with a serious look. “You know how I feel about cage fighting Tay” I reminded her, she ignored me and kept cheering, I pouted some more. “Oh no you don’t Emmy, no pouty face!” she told me “but…” I start to say “stop it! You promised me we would hang out tonight” she said and stomped her foot for good measure. “ I meant that I would go get ice cream with you or something” I explained “well we will as soon as I’m bored here” she smiled knowing I wouldn’t argue with her anymore. “Why did we have to come here?” I asked her making sure that I sounded whiney just to annoy her. “Because this is where everyone goes on a Saturday night here” she reminded me, I knew she was right Saturday nights where we live are fight nights and everyone loves it except for myself, I looked around the gym and saw the majority of my high school all crammed in trying to watch the action in the cage.

All of a sudden out of nowhere I was scooped up from my chair and thrown over a rather hard and well define shoulder “Bubble Ass, you made it” I heard at the same time I felt my ass being smacked. I immediately could tell that it was Dixon my oldest brother’s best friend who had been harassing me since the day I was born. “Put me down Baboon” I yelled and elbowed him in the back as hard as I could which proved to be a very bad choice because his back was as hard as a rock “ouch damnit! Put me down” I yelled grabbing my now very sore elbow.  “Fine but only if your nice to me Bubble Ass” he said as he slowly put me down, I started glaring at him before my feet even touch the floor. Standing before me was a 6 ft. 3in tall guy with short cut brown hair and blue eyes you could go swimming in, and muscles that made every girl at school drool. “I told you to stop calling me that” I snapped still holding me elbow “well I can’t help it if I’ve noticed your finer qualities” he laughed, Taylor reached out to look at my elbow “are you okay?” she asked. “No I’m not okay, stupid Baboon has officially ruined my night” I said stomping on what I was sure was his only weak point, his toes. “Jesus Bubble Ass” he said as he quickly sat down and started massaging the ache out of his toes “oh I’m sorry didn’t see your foot there” I sarcastically responded “and that was my sit” I add stepping closer to him letting him know I want it back. “It could be our sit” he smirked and before I realized what was happing he reached out grabbed me and put me on his lap, holding me around the waist with my arms pinned by side. “Let go of me Baboon” I started struggling, “oh come on Emmy can’t we share” he whispered in my ear “I don’t want to share anything with you, now let go of me” I looked over to Taylor for help but she was just hunched over laughing her head off. Before I knew it Dixon had me turned around so now not only was I sitting on his lap I was also straddling him too, I could feel my face burning from the embarrassment of being in such an intimate possession with someone.

“Is that a blush I see?” Dixon teased me “no! Shut up!” I told him, the last thing I needed in life at the moment was for not only my brother’s lifelong best friend but also the school’s most well know player to know that I was embarrassed to be straddling him because I had never straddled a guy before. I struggled to get away from him, finally to try and save what little strength I had left I gave up realizing he was too strong for me to fight off. “Now that’s a good girl, Bubble Ass” he said with a one of his oh so charming smirks, “bite me Baboon” I snapped back at him “ oh with pleasure” he said leaning towards me his face inches from mine, I squeaked with fear and tried to lean away but I could only lean so far back. “You look extremely hot tonight Emmy” he told me just soft enough for us to hear, I just stared at him.

“Umm what’s going on?” I looked over to see my oldest brother Trey standing next to a laughing Taylor, giving me a confused look as to why I was straddling his best friend’s lap. “N-nothing” I stammered “it doesn’t look like nothing” Taylor giggled finally able to control her laughter enough to form words “sorry man I couldn’t keep her off me, you know Bubble Ass has always had a crush on me” Dixon said laughing. My mouth fall open from the shock of what he had just said “that’s not true” I said glaring at him, “oh it’s not, then why did you come to see me fight tonight?” he ask smirking like he had won. “Taylor dragged me here; I didn’t know you were fighting. Why would I come to watch you fight?” I growled at him, finally managing to get my arms free from him and get off his lap. I walked over to Taylor “did you know he was fighting tonight?” I asked her quietly while my brother and Dixon started talking about his opponent “well…yeah I mean he’s the best and I wanted to see the fight” she answered looking down at the floor. “Oh that’s so sweet of you” Dixon interrupted and slung his arm around my shoulder “oh will you shut it already” I told him shrugging his arm off “don’t you ever have anything nice to say Bubble Ass” he asked me “I might if you stop calling me that” I retorted, the crowd suddenly roared to it loudest signaling that someone has finally won the fight in the cage. “Now what would be the fun in not calling you Bubble Ass anymore” he smirked and  took off his shirt and threw it at me “hold on to that for me” he said with a wink and walked away towards the cage.  

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