Chapter 2: Saturday Night Rumble

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Chapter 2: Saturday Night Rumble

Frustrated and holding on to what I knew was Dixon’s lucky shirt, I looked over at Taylor who immediately knew what I was thinking “don’t do it” she said “why not?” I asked with a smile. “Emmy it’s not a good idea to hide his shirt” she told me with a smile, knowing that I was going to hide it anyways. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” I gave her my most innocent face, she just laughed and said “okay but when he gets mad I want it to be known that I tried to stop you” I nodded my okay and we turned to head back out the doors.

This was going to be fun, I loved hiding people stuff especially Dixon’s, since he practically lived at our house; I was always hiding his things to get back at him for the constant teasing. It had gotten to the point that now when something went missing in our house everyone would accuse me of hiding it. I quickly walked to her car and got in, Taylor hopped into the driver seat “where to Miss. Hidder?” she asked with a huge grin “my house” I simply stated but just to make sure she didn’t whine I added “and then we are so going for ice cream”.

After hiding Dixon’s shirt in a place I knew he would never look, Taylor and I headed over to Swirls for ice cream. I wanted to go to the grocery store and just get ice cream but Taylor wanted to go to the local ice cream hang out because that’s where everyone would be at since the fights were over now. We pulled up to the ice cream stand it was packed with what looked to be everyone from Bare Knuckles I immediately saw my brothers Trey and James scattered around the crowd through the windshield.

“Come on I want ice cream” Taylor said practically jumping out of the car, I slowly got out and walked over to where she was waiting on me in front of car. “Tay can’t we just get this and go” I asked, I kicked a rock away from me with my flip flop “actually that might be a good idea for you” she said sounding nervous I quickly looked up at her, she was staring off into the crowd. I followed her line of sight and saw what appeared to be a very irritated Dixon staring me down.

“Uh oh” I said suddenly getting nervous myself “uh oh is right, let’s hurry up get our ice cream and get the hell out of here” she said and hurried over to the counter, I quickly followed. We placed our orders and paid and waited at the window for our ice cream “you know what” I said suddenly feeling the need to stand my ground. Taylor raised her eyebrow “I don’t want to go, I’m not afraid of him, he’s just some oversize Baboon” I said watching as Taylor’s eyes got really wide at the last part “are you okay?” I asked her.

          “Where is it Bubble Ass?” I jumped as the question was asked behind me. I turned around slowly and came face to face with Dixon, I put on my must innocent face “where’s what?” I asked “I know you hid it” he told me with a glare “I don’t know what you’re taking about” I shrugged turning away from him. Trey walked up “come one Emmy, you know it’s his lucky shirt” he gave me the same look he always gave me when I took and hid something.

 “I don’t know where his shirt is” I said grabbing my cheesecake ice cream that had just been presented on the counter. “I’m sure you don’t” Trey said with a disbelieving look, he put his arm around Taylor’s shoulder “but I’m pretty sure Taylor knows” he said, it was not only a well-known fact that Taylor had a huge crush on Trey but she was also a terrible liar and was always confessing to stuff we did.  Taylor squeaked as soon as she heard Trey “Emmy” she squeaked “leave her alone Trey” I told him pushing him away from her and grabbing her hand and pulling her away towards her car.

“Where do you think you’re going Bubble Ass?” Dixon asked grabbing my arm “let me go Baboon” I said trying to pull my arm away “just tell me” he said with a serious look. Taylor tugged on my other arm “Emmy just telling him” Trey told me sounded more irritated then before. “Is it at the gym?” Trey asked, as I finally managed to get my arm out of Dixon’s grip. I just ignored him and pretended to be entranced with my ice cream at the moment taking tiny bites.

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