Chapter 11: Library Romances and Family Chit Chats

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Chapter 11: Library Romances and Family Chit Chats

Emmy’s POV:

I was quietly hiding in the library waiting for Taylor to meet me; this was our hide out spot at school. I had somehow managed to lose Dixon and honestly it worried me a bit, it was almost as if he had let me get away but I couldn’t focus on that right now. Right now I had to focus on where in the world Taylor was and why it was taking her so long to get to the hide out, I honestly wasn’t worried about Dixon finding me.

I couldn’t help but to start thinking about Dixon and I. What was this we were doing? I mean I assume we were in some form of a relationship but I could be wrong about that, he hadn’t asked me to be his girlfriend and the most he had said about the situation was that if people asked if we were together or not then it was okay to say we were. I didn’t however see that in my books as asking me to be his girlfriend.

A better thing to wonder at the moment was probably whether I wanted to be Dixon’s girlfriend. There was no denying I wanted to be his girlfriend, I mean initially his affection and attention threw me off and freaked me out a bit but like I had admitted earlier I was falling for Dixon. I don’t know exactly when it happened but I no longer saw Dixon as what I had called him all those years a ‘baboon’, I saw him as the person I could maybe possibly fall in love with.

Being the heavy thinker I am I didn’t realize that I had been caught until two beautiful muscular arms wrapped around me “uh oh looks like I caught you” I couldn’t help but smile as I turned around to look at Dixon. “Oh wow who knew the great Dixon Maven knew where the library was” I mocked, he smirked at me “haha you’re hilarious, so glad to know my girlfriend thinks so highly of me”. My heart skipped “what?” I asked, he laughed “I said I’m glad to know my girlfriend thinks so highly of me” I stepped away from him.

“Am I your girlfriend?” I asked, he didn’t hesitant to answer “well I thought so, why?” he asked, “it’s just you never asked, I wasn’t sure really what was going on” I answered honestly. His eyes widen as he realized what I was saying was true “shit Emmy I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that I never asked”. I smiled softly “it’s okay” I told him, he smiled back as he leaned forward to kiss me it was just a soft peck on the lips “Emmylou May Harris will you be my girlfriend?” he whispered to me as he wrapped his arms tight around me.

I pretended to think it over, he raised an eyebrow at me and I couldn’t help but giggle “yes” he quickly captured my lips, I couldn’t help but to return the searing kiss.

The bell rang shortly after signally that lunch ended, Dixon walked me to my next class. After giving him a quick kiss goodbye which earned a lot of ‘awws’ and ‘ohhs’, I walked into my class to find Taylor sitting in her desk huffing and puffing. “Where were you, I waited for you?” I asked her, “omg! He totally asked you to be his girlfriend didn’t he?!” she shouted causing me to drop the stuff I was pulling out of my backpack at the moment.

“How in the world could you possibly know that” I asked, she just winked at me and smiled. I just let it off as one of Taylor’s weird moments. Finally the day ended and I didn’t have practice today so that meant I could go home and do nothing. I was walking with Taylor out to the parking lot when my name was being called I turn and saw Adam running up to me “hey what’s up?” I asked him.

“Trey called family meeting, he wants us to head to the house now, I assume he wants you there to Tay” we nodded our heads and headed towards Taylor’s car. “What’s this meeting about?” I asked Adam as we all buckled up and were on our way home, him and Taylor both started laughing at my question. “You seriously don’t know the answer to that Emm?” Taylor asked, I shook my head no “my twin just made out with a football player that he’s secretly been dating for almost two years and Dixon and you are getting awfully friendly with each other. I’m honestly surprised it’s taken this long to call a meeting.”

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