Chapter 5: Grill Cheeses and The Hangover

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Chapter 5: Grill Cheeses and The Hangover

Dixon’s P.O.V:

“Man you seriously have to calm down” I told Trey as he flung himself on the couch “I didn’t mean to say that, she is going to hate me forever” he put his hands over his face “she knows you didn’t mean, the both of you were just heated up and people say stupid shit when their mad” I shrugged. “I just don’t get what’s wrong with her” he said rubbing a hand down his face. “What’s wrong with her is one she’s a teenage girl, two you’re telling her what to do and three she’s a good kid and she had one little moment where she rebelled and your blowing it way out of the water” I told him leaning against the kitchen door frame “besides what’s the big deal it’s just a belly ring” I said shrugging, no way in hell was I going to tell him how sexy I thought it was.

He sat up staring at me shock “what?” I asked “who are you and what have you done to my best friend Dixon? Come on Dix you know what all the guys are going to say the minute they see that little piece of jewelry” I tensed up; over my dead body I would personally break their jaws. “What’s up with you?” Trey asked raising an eyebrow in question “nothing” I said shifting away from his stare “why are you sticky up for her?” Trey asked eyeing me.

“I’m not, I’m just saying you need to relax about it a little bit” I said looking away from him “yes, you are, man your only on her side because you’ve had a crush on her since we were kids” he said standing up and walking over to face me. I didn’t respond just kept starring at the floor “that’s it isn’t it?” he said pointing at me “shut up” I said pushing his hand away. “Oh come on dude you know I don’t care” Trey said slapping me on the back, I groaned “just drop it okay” I walked into the kitchen.

“No way, we’ve been through this already, I get it you have a thing for her and I’ve already told you I don’t care but your just a dumbass and won’t let her know” Trey said hopping on top of the counter. “Dude seriously shut up” I hissed peeking around the kitchen to make sure no one was around, I mean it wasn’t a secret I had a thing for Emmy between Trey and I but I did not need the twins in on it.

I had, had a crush on Emmy since we were little but I had tried to grow out of him out of respect for Trey, as much as I knew he was okay with it I still felt like deep down he would have a problem with it. As Emmy and I got older it was starting to become harder to not take notice of her and it didn’t seem to matter anymore how many girls I tried to date none of them were going to replace my Emmy. Trey was right though I was being a dumbass not telling her but all that was changing I had finally decided months ago that I was going to start showing her that I liked her.

The whole situation made me feel like I was younger and less experienced then I really was, but with Emmy everything was so new to me because well in all honesty she wasn’t one of the many girls throwing themselves at me. She wasn’t like most of the other girls in this town she was a cheerleader yes but only because Taylor had begged her to join the squad with her. Even when she agreed to join the squad she hadn’t let it change her, she was still good old Emmy with a heart of gold and a feisty side that drove me crazy.

Not to mention she was just so gorgeous with that long dark brown hair of hers, big green eyes, cute little nose, and rosy little cheeks. Don’t even get me started on how nice her body was, there was a reason I was staring at her last night when she came out in those short shorts and a tank top. As sad as it was I think Trey found it so funny when I became all flustered over her like I was some sick form of entertainment.

“No way, you’ve been walking around here for months like this” he said pushing my shoulder, I dropped my head into my hands “ugh, I know I just can’t help it” I mumbled. “So I’m just going to go out on a limb here and say you’re the one that tried to kiss her” Trey said I picked my head up “I’m not talking to you about that” I muttered pushing his shoulder and hoping up on the counter next to him. We were now sitting next to each other on the counter now. Guys don’t talk face to face, we talk shoulder to shoulder, face to face is just too weird. “You know I won’t treat Emmy bad” I told him, he nodded his head “yeah I know” we just sat there for a moment in silence. “Listen I hate to say this but being the big brother I feel I have to say this but if you hurt her, I don’t care if you’re a future pro UFC fighter or not I will kick your sorry ass, do you hear me?” it was a threat but it was all said with a smile. “I won’t hurt her Trey” I said.

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