Chapter 9: Locker Room Visits and Love Confessions

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Chapter 9: Locker Room Visits and Love Confessions

Emmy’s POV:

“Come on Emm I know the two of you kissed, why won’t you give me details?” Taylor whined, I had been listening to this since she had dragged me into our English class. We were in the locker room getting ready for cheer practice and it didn’t seem like she was going to let this die anytime soon. “Oh my god Emmy you and Dixon kissed?!” Carrie squealed, I turned and looked at her, “she won’t talk about it at all” Taylor stated, I rolled my eyes at her.

“I’m just surprised I mean I heard you two were a thing now but I didn’t think we would be hearing about kissing for a while” Carrie said in her motherly tone. “Hey Emmy you have a very fine male visitor asking for you outside” Casey told me grinning and all the girls ‘awwed’ I felt myself blushing like crazy. “Thanks” I mumbled as I walked to the locker room door and walked out into the hallway and was kind of shock to find not Dixon but Noah Parker the running back of the football team.

Now unlike his team mate Jason, I actually like Noah; he is sweet and really funny. He’s a junior like Adam and James but he is in Taylor and my biology class. The three of us always worked in a group together, “hey Noah” I said, he smiled “hey Emmy” and then he looked around me “hey girls” he waved a little at the girls who were spying on us from the locker room door. They all giggled and waved back “umm I think I’ve got this girls” I mumbled, they all smiled and nodded and went back into the locker room.

“Sorry about that” he just smiled at me “it’s okay” he told me, “So uh do you need something?” I asked not quite sure why he had asked to see me. “Oh yeah… um here” he said handing me a hoodie that looked awfully familiar, “thanks?” I questioned, “Its James’, he lent it to me a couple days ago and I know it’s his lucky hoodie and all and he asked me for it today because he has practice and…” he was cut off by a hand reaching out and grabbing it. “I’ll make sure he gets it man” Dixon said smiling at Noah, Noah nodded his thanks and said his goodbye and left, “why would James lend him his lucky hoodie?” I asked confused, Dixon just shrugged “who knows, but I’m training with him today so I’ll just give it to him then.”

I nodded “okay, so umm… what are you doing here?” I asked, he just smiled and leaned down and planted a quick kiss on my lips, I felt myself blushing “I just wanted to say have a good practice and that’ll I’ll see you when you’re done.” “You will?” I asked, he nodded “I’m picking you up when you’re done, 6:30 right?” he asked, I nodded “Thanks, I’ll see you later” I told him with a smile and started backing away, “wait don’t I get a kiss goodbye?” he tugged me back to him. As much as I wanted to deny him a kiss I couldn’t do it, so my smile grew bigger as I stepped up on my tippy toes and planted what I meant to be a quick kiss on his lips.

Of course Dixon quickly deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. “Ugh you guys aren’t going to be doing that around the house now are you?” I really disliked James at that moment, Dixon let go of me so we could both glare at James. “What are you doing here?” I asked, “Dixon was supposed to meet me at his truck and when he didn’t show I figured he would be here and look how right I was” James said smirking.

He looked down at Dixon’s hand that was holding his jacket “hey my hoodie!” he exclaimed, “yeah Noah just dropped it off for you” Dixon said giving James a look that made him blush and me feel like I was missing something. “Uh can we get going now?” James asked, Dixon sighed and nodded “yeah here go crank the truck up I’ll be there in a sec” Dixon handed over his keys and James took them and left yelling a ‘bye’ over his shoulder to me.

“I’ll see you after practice” Dixon said kissing my forehead and smiling down at me, “bye Dixon, have fun training” I told him with a hint of sarcasm at the end. “Bye baby, have fun flipping in the air” he said walking backwards down the hall. I laughed and waved and then finally went back into the locker room “Oh my god! He called you baby, that’s so sweet!” Taylor exclaimed hugging me tight.

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