Chapter 2 - Shape Shifted

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From 2.01 - Omega: Outside Scott's car, Chris took Scott by his hoodie, pushing him against the hood of his car, pointing the gun at him, ready to pull the trigger.

Allison got out of the car, closing the door, running toward them, begging and crying. "I swear I won't see him again."

Chris pulled the gun away from Scott, looking at Allison. "Never again."

Stiles: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

From 2.01 - Omega: In the Argent House, in Allison's room, Allison stood in front of Scott, smiling. "They'll be gone an hour."

Scott and Allison kissed.

From 2.01 - Omega: In the boys' bathroom, Jackson ran into a stall, closing and locking the door. His nose was continuously bleeding black blood, at a more constant rate. He grabbed toilet paper, trying to stop it. He let the toilet paper fall into the toilet, grabbing more, trying to make it stop.

Jackson: (voice over from 2.01 - Omega) "What's happening to me?"

Jackson and Derek were talking.

"Body's fighting the bite," Derek told him in confusion.

From 2.01 - Omega: In the cemetery, Chris, Allison and Victoria were sitting in chairs.

Gerard looked at Allison. "I don't suppose you'd call me Grandpa."

From 2.01 - Omega: In the cemetery, Isaac was digging the grave for Katherine Argent with a machine.

Natalie stood out on the ground, placing the grave stone for Kate in the ground next to the six-foot hole in the ground. She had a bad cut on her cheek, trailing from her nose to her cheek bone. She looked up at Isaac in the machine. "Should we get anything else?"

Isaac hesitated. "We can't risk making him angry."

From 2.01 - Omega: In the cemetery, Isaac, Mr. Lahey and Natalie were being questioned by Sheriff.

"It's Lahey," Isaac told him. "Isaac Lahey."

"Lahey?" Sheriff repeated. Isaac nodded. Sheriff looked at Natalie. "That makes you Natalie, right? Haley, Stacie and Ari's friend from way back when?"

"Before Adriana disappeared, yeah," Natalie answered quietly, sadly, looking down.

Sheriff looked at Isaac knowingly. "How'd you get that black eye, Isaac?" He looked at Natalie. "Where'd you get that cut out your cheek, Natalie?"

Mr. Lahey looked at Isaac and Natalie with a look, as if to say, don't say anything.

Natalie: (voice over from 2.01 - Omega) "I'm scared of him, Izzy."

Isaac: (voice over from 2.01 - Omega) "I am, too, Nattie."

From 2.01 - Omega: In the cemetery, Natalie walked away, leaving.

Isaac heard running footsteps, turning the machine to look around. He didn't see anything. He turned it around again. "Natalie?" Natalie was gone. Werewolf claws curled around a crypt, holding it. "What the hell?"

The Werewolf ran toward Isaac, pushing him into grave, the machine falling over the hole to keep him inside, glass shattering.

Isaac sat on the ground in the grave, looking around, scared. He looked up through a hole.

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