Chapter 3 - Ice Pick

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From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: In the Preserve, Allison and Scott were together.

Allison shook her head. "They're not gonna split us apart."

Scott shook his head. "Not us."

Scott and Allison kissed sweetly.

Stacie: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: In the alley, in the pouring rain, Lahey turned to Natalie, backhand punching her in the face, making her fall to the soaking wet ground.

Natalie landed on her stomach, hitting her head, groaning in pain. Her cheek and chin were cut, scraped. She held her head in pain.

From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: On the lacrosse field, Scott and Isaac looked at each other, both of their eyes glowing gold.

Scott: (voice over from 2.02 - Shape Shifted) "There's another."

"Please don't tell them," Isaac told him.

On the bleachers, Haley, Ari and Stacie stood, looking at them, knowing that they found their Werewolf.

"Whoa," Haley told them.

Ari looked at the back of Isaac's jersey, reading: Lahey. Ari was in shock. "No way."

Isaac looked at Scott. "Don't tell them."

From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: Outside of BHHS, Allison, Lydia, Ari, Stacie and Haley walked up the concrete steps to the school door.

Stacie looked at Lydia. "You really don't remember anything?"

"They called it a fugue state," Ari explained.

"I can't remember running around the woods naked for two days," Lydia told them.

From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: On the road, Allison aimed her bow at the hunter dressed as a deputy, shooting his leg, making him groan and fall.

From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: In the Sheriff's Station, in the cell room, with the alarm blaring, Jack pushed the hunter's head against the wall, making him fall unconscious.

Isaac walked toward Stacie.

Stacie slid back three inches into the wall.

Derek stepped past Stacie and the door, in Isaac's way, shifted his eyes glowing red, roaring.

Isaac backed away, past Tara, whimpering, turning to the wall, sinking to the floor, hiding his face. When he looked back, he was completely human.

Stacie looked up at Derek. "How did you do that?"

Derek looked down at Stacie. "I'm the Alpha."

From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: In the Lahey House's kitchen, The creature looked at them for a long time. He ran across the ceiling above them, running for the door, leaving the house, disappearing.

"What the hell was that?" Allison asked.

Scott looked forward in confusion. "I don't know."

From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: In the alley, in the pouring rain, The creature ripped the car door off the hinges, throwing it into the alley behind it, toward Natalie.

The car door bounced off the ground, bouncing toward Natalie, slicing along her back fatally.

Natalie screamed in pain as it slid down the rest of the alley.

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