Chapter 5 - Venomous

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From 2.04 - Abomination: In BHHS, Ari walked toward the pool, soaking wet, trying to pull Stacie and Tara out of the water.

The Kanima jumped toward Ari, pushing her away from the pool.

Tara: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

The Kanima wrapped its tail around Tyler's ankle, throwing him over his head, making him flip through the air, hitting a mirror, shattering it.

Jack: (voice over from 2.04 - Abomination) "It's called a Kanima."

From 2.03 - Ice Pick: In the clinic, Deaton was explaining to Chris and Gerard. "Killing may be its only purpose."

From 2.03 - Ice Pick: Outside the Hale House, the Kanima's tail wrapped around the man's ankle, making him fall.

From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: In the Lahey House's kitchen, the Kanima crawled across the roof, running away.

Deaton: (voice over from 2.03 - Ice Pick) "It's fast."

From 2.02 - Shape Shifted: In the alley, it was pouring rain. The Kanima ripped the car door off the hinges, throwing it into the alley behind it, toward Natalie.

Deaton: (voice over from 2.03 - Ice Pick) "Remarkably strong."

The car door bounced off the ground, bouncing toward Natalie, slicing along her back fatally.

Natalie screamed in pain as it slid down the rest of the alley.

From 2.04 - Abomination: In the BHHS pool room, the Kanima jumped over Tara's head, behind her, lashing out at Derek, slashing his neck.

Derek could no longer stand, starting to fall.

Stacie ran forward, catching him in her arms before he could fall. She put one of Derek's arms over her shoulders. Stiles put his other arm over his shoulders.

The Kanima sliced the back of Tara's neck.

Tara could no longer stand, starting to fall.

Stacie ran forward, grabbing one of Tara's arms, wrapping it around her shoulders.

Deaton: (voice over from 2.03 - Ice Pick) "And has the capacity to render its victims essentially helpless within seconds."

Jack picked up a piece of broken mirror, running toward the Kanima, but stopped.

The Kanima looked at its reflection in the piece of broken mirror, tilting his head in confusion.

From 2.04 - Abomination: Outside BHHS, Stacie, Haley, Stiles, Scott, Ari, Jack, Tyler, Zayn, Derek and Tara were talking.

"It doesn't know what it is," Ari realized.

"Or who," Tyler confirmed.

From 2.04 - Abomination: In the underground hidehout, Natalie, Isaac, Zayn and Jack were talking.

Isaac frowned in confusion. "Do you really think that Lydia Martin and Jackson Whittemore might be the creature?"

"We don't know," Jack told them. "We might have to add Bella Martin to the suspect list, though."

From 2.03 - Ice Pick: In the rink, Peter opened his eyes, his hands pressed to the glass, his mouth open in shock and horror, his head turning uncontrollably.

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