Chapter 7 - Restraint

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From 2.04 - Abomination: In Bella's office, Bella was sitting at her desk. Ari and Lydia sat across from her.

Jackson: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

"Something is going on with the two of you, and I just want to find out what it is," Bella told them. "I want to find out what is happening to me, too."

From 2.06 - Frenemy: In Stacie's bedroom, Stacie sat on her bed.

Ari sat in the computer chair, feeling guilty and desperate. "I can't keep this from Lydia and Bella forever, Stacie."

"No, not forever," Stacie agreed. Ari looked at her. "Just until everything calms down. But if it helps, I'll be there with you to help you tell Lydia and Bella."

From 2.06 - Frenemy: Outside Lydia and Bella's house, the boy and Lydia were talking.

The boy took a purple flower off of the rosary behind Lydia. "Could I give you a flower?" Lydia chuckled, reaching forward to take it. The boy pulled it out of her reach. "Promise to keep it?" Lydia took the flower. "I wanted to kiss you."

From 2.06 - Frenemy: In The Jungle, the Kanima sliced into the back of people's necks.

People started to fall to the floor, one-by-one, Danny included.

Tyler, Zayn and Jack restrained the Kanima so that Derek could slash his throat.

Ari: (voice over from 2.06 - Frenemy) "When's the Kanima not the Kanima?"

From 2.06 - Frenemy: In the back of the prison transport van, Jackson was chained to his seat. His eyes were full-colored yellow, slit like a snake's, his teeth growing into razor sharp canines.

Haley: (voice over from 2.06 - Frenemy) "When it's Jackson."

From 2.05 - Venomous: On the road, the Kanima stood outside the car. It slowly put its clawed hand on the window.

An unknown person wearing black gloves placed their hand on the window, each finger matching with the Kanima's.

The Kanima slowly raised to look inside to see the person, waiting.

From 2.06 - Frenemy: In Bella's room, Lydia and Bella were translating the bestiary pages.

"Someone's not protecting the Kanima," Bella told her. "Someone's controlling him."


Same Night

Day One

Night - Woods

A car and a trailer were parked in the middle of the woods next to the river.



A couple were inside, having an argument.

"You promised this was only gonna be for a few weeks," the woman told him.

The man was sitting at the table. "Look, just because we're in a trailer does not mean we're trailer park trash."

"Exactly," the woman told him. "We're worse. We don't even have enough money to be in a trailer park."

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