This Has Nothing to Do with SJMAAS But is Still Important

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So I don't what you've been hearing about net neutrality or what you know about it, but this is just my little opinion about it. Supposedly, in less than a month, net neutrality will be gone. Basically, net neutrality is just the fact that an internet service provider (ISP) can't interfere with internet access. According to, it is "the principle that Internet Providers like Comcast and Verizon should not control what we see and do online." For example, an ISP can't buffer a page to make you go to a different site. This means that ISP's will have control over what you can do on the internet. This doesn't just mean that we can't enjoy our ACoTaR memes in peace. YES IT WILL AFFECT COMPANY DEVELOPMENT. Companies will pay to give you the fastest access to their site, however start-ups and smaller business' who can't afford to give you the fastest access will start to lose business. This plan was proposed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) years ago, but the Internet saved itself. If you want to learn more, I suggest you go to

We aren't Aelin or Feyre or Rhys, but we don't have to save the world. All we have to do is save the internet. Freedom of speech people. Let's go save this wonderful place where we all hate each other, laugh at each other, laugh with each other, and waste more time than we should.

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