The normal, and the abnormal.

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The first night was weird, first, he didn't know where anything was when he was helping me get ready to sleep. Not surprising, because my mom didn't get the chance to tell him.

I've noticed that he swears a lot under his breath. I couldn't really help him find anything, I can hardly make it to my room without falling down the stairs though.

I still haven't talked to him, he rarely talks to me, and when he does it to ask things he already knows or to make sly comments.

He also talked to his mom, they talked for like five minutes and even at that it got some colourful words out of him.

I lie awake that night thinking about how tomorrow will go, and the next few months. There's always a possibility of him quitting and my mom forced to come home to take care of her child.

It's a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.

I roll onto my side, not knowing what to do with myself, at this moment or for the rest of my life.

I lay there for I don't know how long, thinking everything. I do fall asleep at one point or another.


I'm awoken by the sound of my door opening softly, jolting awake and sitting up in bed fast, that my head rushes a bit. I blink a few times.

"Jesus fuck, you scared me," He said.

I rub at eyes to get the sand out of them, I feel my bed dip at the end. "It's still early, you can sleep more if you wanted." He said in his normal uninterested voice.

I shake my head no.

"Okay, get up then," He said, the bed dips as he gets up, I hear the sound of my closet opening a few seconds later.

"I'm guessing you can figure out which piece of clothing is which," He said dryly, the door closing a moment later.

I nod to myself, I can do this.

I stand up, struggling a bit when my blanket almost trips me up. I balance myself before I manage to topple over.

With little more struggle, I finish getting ready, I continue to sit on my bed feeling hopeless. Having to wait for him to come back in and get me.

This is always the worst part of the day, the part where I have to wait until I can leave my own room when I need assistance to get dressed, go to the bathroom, eat food. Normal human things.

Things I could do before.

There's a light knock on the door, and it creaking open a moment later. "This is why you need to talk because I can't read your mind," He grumbles.

There's pressure on my wrist a second later, then he's pulling me up, and down the hall. "Stairs," He mumbles.

I nod.



It's been almost a week since I've been here, and he still hasn't said a word. I was at first annoyed, now I'm kinda worried.

His mother said it was normal for him not to talk. We also haven't left the apartment, I'm not sure what he's been doing these last few months because there's nothing here. His mom didn't say anything about things for him.

She's called twice, both times he wouldn't talk, I've had to talk to her and explain things.

Today I decided though we're getting out, going for a walk, something simple. Just because I'll probably go crazy if I stay here for one more day. I'm not an outdoorsy person, but it's been of silence.

It was late morning when I knocked on his bedroom door, not hearing a reply once again, I open the door peeking in. He's still fast asleep for once, normally every morning he'll sit up so fast I think he'll give himself whiplash.

One of the first things I noticed about him, is that he normally dressed himself when his mom was still here, luckily I started picking things out so he wouldn't end up wearing colours that didn't go together or patterns that didn't fit.

I take a few things out of his closet quietly. closing the closet door softly after, I put the clothes at the end of the bed, after that I take a seat on the ground beside the bed.

He seems almost happier well sleeping. His eyes flutter, and close again a few times, almost as he's waiting for his eyes to adjust.

"I'm here," I say loud enough so he's not startled.

He raises an eyebrow for a moment, soon nodding his head and sitting up.

"There are some clothes at the end of your bed, in the same order as yesterday. We're going out today as well," I stated leaving the room before he could protest, he most likely wouldn't.

I stay in the hall texting my mom for ten minutes waiting until I think is a normal time to be done.

Birth giver: How're things with Yamaguchi?

Me: fine, he still hasn't talked to me.

Birth giver: Oh, I'm sorry honey, did you interduce yourself and everything?

I stand there a second staring at the text. Taping out a reply far too long after.

Me: I think?

Birth giver: I swear you and your brother are going to be the death of me.

Me: Yeah, yeah.

Putting my phone on silent I put it in my pocket, I knock on the door, opening it when I don't hear him yell at me, I step into the room as he pulls his shirt over his head.

"You ready?" I asked, looking anywhere but him.

I look at him when he doesn't speak up again, he shrugs. I take his wrist, leading him down the hall again, letting him know when we're at the stairs.

I take him right into the kitchen, I take an apple for the both of us handing one to him.

He holds it, rolling it the apple between his hands, he mouths apple and rubs it on his shirt.

The more we eat together the more I notice him mouthing to himself, he seems to enjoy figuring out what things are.

We finish our shitty breakfast, and I lead him into the door. I look at the shoe rack, trying to figure out which ones are his, there are other men's shoes on the rack. I thought it was weird when I had first arrived.

"Which ones are yours?" I ask looking up at him, he's shifting on his feet nervously.

I look away when he doesn't give any hint, I grab some sneakers, hoping they're the right ones.

I stand again, "Okay, can you put on your shoes? or?" I asked again, holding the pair of shoes with one hand, looking into his sightless eyes.

He holds out both his hands, I stand there a moment confused, I hand him the shoes.

He takes them running his hands over one of them. He shakes his head. And holds them out for me.

"Wrong ones?" I asked feeling stupid.

He nods.

I put the shoes back on the rack grabbing, the next pair that are bright green shoes. I hand them to him. His fingers dance lightly over the laces.

He nods, and almost smiles a little. The first smile since I got here. He sits down on the one step into the mudroom and starts putting them on.

I roll my eyes, grabbing my shoes next and putting them on.

"Do you have a cane,"

He shakes his head no but brings his hands up like he's putting on glasses.

"You have sun glasses?"

He nods again.

I grab the only part I see on the shelves above the shoe rack.

I hand them to him, he puts them on.

I take his wrist once more, locking the door behind us. I'm not looking forward to taking a blind person down three flights of stairs, but at least it beats sitting on the couch in a depressing apartment.

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