Sleep, and stupid things.

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It was dumb to send that, I shouldn't have but I don't know how to delete the message.

Or maybe I don't want too.

I threw the phone on my bed after I was done talking to the phone like an idiot.

I listen to the rain but when that gets too deafening, I find my phone beside me and turn on music, turning it up until it couldn't get any louder.

I resume painting trying to get lost in it like I used too, but it's not there anymore. I give up getting up and carefully getting to my bed.

I put my mom's phone on my bedside table, ignoring it. I don't dare to ask if he's seen it or replied to it.

He probably didn't, for all, I know he deleted the number.


I didn't know what to do or really understand.

The message wasn't really much to go on, I knew it was from him.

But I couldn't help but think of him just playing with me, we should've both moved on.

I shouldn't care anymore, this isn't how I am. I can't even tell you the name of my first boyfriend when I was thirteen...

Okay, that's a lie, his name was Akio.

That's beside the point! It's been months.

I pick up my phone from the bedside table, unplugging it from the wall, I turn it on squinting at the brightness.

I pull up the messages with him.

I stare at his text, thinking.

Me: I'm going to call you.

Before I can think twice, I hit call.

"Hello?" His voice sounds different, rougher than this summer, quieter.


"I--I" He starts.

"I should've waited for you to reply,"

"No--No it's fine, Tsukki!" he stutters tripping over his words more.

"This is stupid,"

"It's not....I'm glad you called, texting isn't my thing,"

"I know,"

He laughs a little.

"I shouldn't be still thinking about you either," I say, finally saying the thing I've been thinking about for months,"But here we are."

My words hang there in the silence, I hear him breathing on the other end. I sit up leaning against the wall feet dangling off the side.

I almost think he hung up on me.

"I shouldn't have said anything," The words are hardly audible when he speaks up.

"I should have said something sooner," I state."But let's not talk about that,"

There's a long silence again.

"Tell me about school,"


We're still talking at 2 AM he sounds half asleep but when I asked if I should hang up before he said he was fine.

We've talked about most things, he talked a little about his mom and Mao, and that he's painting again, but doesn't like it.

He let me do most of the talking, it was weird at first, I don't consider myself chatty.

"And then----"It sounds as if he started to doze off in the middle of his story again. It's happened a few times.

I smile a little wiping it off when I realize what I'm doing. I roll onto my side.

"You asleep,"

"Hmm..."His face sounds muffled. "No.."

"When can we meet?" He asks voice still funny sounding.


"How soon?"

"Really soon,"

"How soon is really soon?"

"This month."


"Goodnight," I say with a stupid smile again.

"Night, Tsukki,"

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