Hazy morning

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When I finally awoke the next morning I was confused as to where I was, I was in a comfortable bed, with thick blankets and a warmth next to me.

It all came back to me slowly, me walking into my mother's room and finding Tsukishima awake and listening to music at three am, which was weird in thought but I get it.

This apartment is weird.

I couldn't tell if Tsukishima was already awake or how early it was, and I didn't bring my phone in here, and it would be too loud to figure that out too.

I laid there a while longer, soon drifting off once more.

I felt more rested than I ever had before it was odd and nice, and something I could get used too.


I slowly open my eyes, they focus fuzzy on Yamaguchi who's face is right in front of mine, at first I'm shocked because when did he get in here?

I stare at him, his eyes are still closed his hair ruffled and hiding some of his face, he looks as peaceful as I've ever seen him. It's odd, his eyes moving behind his eyelids.

I sigh rolling onto my back and grabbing my glasses from the bedside table. I look back over at him now that I can see better, he's still there, completely unaware as to where he fell asleep.

It's kind of nice to wake up next to someone even that someone is someone that I don't really know.

My mind keeps going back to last night and the conversion we had about his parents, I feel a little bad about withholding things his mom texted me about, but it just made sense at the time to not say anything because of everything that happened even if I don't know the full story and probably will never know the full story.
I should probably get in contact with his mom, even if I feel like some errand boy, that is kind of what I was hired for, though I just thought it was a good way to get out of the house for the summer and away from my brother.

I get up from the bed walking to the little bathroom, taking my glasses off and washing my face, trying to get in the right mindset of taking care of someone, and being in this fucking apartment for another day.

That's the worst part of it, not looking after a boy I hardly know, or the quietness or the blindness of said boy, it's this apartment it feels like a cage.

It's not even that his mother used to live here, it's just all of the apartment it's dark and gloomy upstairs with no windows in the hallway and one in the bedrooms just so they can be bedrooms.

Sometimes I think about just giving up and calling Yamaguchi's mother and telling her to get her ass back here, and take care of her own son and find a job here, it really shouldn't be that hard to find work here.

Not that I've looked. Or tried to get a job. I don't even know what Junko does.

My cell phone rings interrupting my over thinking which probably would be followed by a breakdown. I dry my face and answer my phone.

"Hello?" I ask voice still filled with sleep.

"Hi," the women said on the other line.

"Who is this?" I ask rubbing my eyes, I can hear my mother's voice in the back of my head saying that's not how you greet people! It's may I ask who's speaking! You fool, who raised you.

Okay, maybe not that last part.

"Uh, hi I'm Mao, Yuzuki's girlfriend?"

"Who's girlfriend?"

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