Surprise bitch you thought.

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It had been a few days since I left the apartment with Tsukishima. Some part of me was glad that we hadn't gone out in the last few days. I had my fair share of people for the week, even if it had been months since I was last outside.

My mother hadn't called that night, after my panicking. I was happy she hadn't, but I was also pissed she didn't care enough.

She is all I have left, as sad as that was to think. She may have brought me into this world but as far as I'm concerned she could've left right after.

Maybe, then I wouldn't be blind. I could've left with my father that night a year ago, and never looked back, never thought of the woman who married my father the first time.

I was sat on the couch like normal, early afternoon, Tsukishima sitting beside me tapping away on his laptop, the tv playing as background noise to my fingers twitling.

Something on the coffee table starts buzzing and startles me followed by the robotic voice of my phone going, "Mom, mom--" It gets cut off after Tsukishima curses a few times and answers.

"Hello," He greeted in his normal bored voice. I hear the shuffling of him putting his laptop on the coffee table and his footsteps to the kitchen.

One of the bad things about living with Tsukishima is that he's too quiet, unlike my mother. I never know where he is, his voice doesn't travel well, before I wanted the quiet and I still do, but at least with my mother I knew where she was in the house, whether it was her heels giving her away or her off-tune singing, or her chatting to people on the phone.

I pretty much always could find her. Even when I didn't want to.

The phone call didn't last long, Tsukishima was back in the room putting my phone on the coffee. He was still muttering words under his breath.

He cleared his throat, "She wants to talk to you tonight," He said, going back to typing on his computer. "I said you wouldn't talk to her," He finished.

I nodded my head, leaning it back on the couch, and closing my eyes.


The call with Yamaguchi's mother didn't start well or end well.

She was a snappy woman, to begin with, but when it came to things with her son, she either didn't care or cared too much about stupid things.

She had asked to talk Yamaguchi but being with him for a little longer than a week, I could tell you on the first day he wouldn't have talked to her.

Yamaguchi still wouldn't even talk to me, and it's going to be no different from his mother. I may not be the warmest person, but I still liked to think I was a better person than the woman who left her blind son with a total stranger.

After he calmed down yesterday he ate then fell asleep on the couch, he slept there the whole night, as far as I know, he wouldn't wake up when I tried to help him to his room.

I slept on the floor, woke up early and made breakfast for the two of us.

He still hasn't talked or even made a noise.

It's weirding me out, but it's better someone who never shuts up. I started turning the tv on one of the music channels he seems to enjoy that more the narrated tv. Sometimes I'll catch him mouthing the lyrics to himself.

My mother told me she'd stop by later today with my brother, which I'm dreading I told her she didn't have to come back two days in a row. That didn't work of course because once she's made up her mind that's what's happening.

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