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"Let's film the last scene and then we can start with the individual shots," yelled the director as they had been shooting for another hour.

Arena shivered from the passing breeze and straightened her legs under her coat. She huffed out a long breath and yawned, covering her mouth with her palm as she did.

As the skin of her hand came into contact of her lips she was reminded of what had happened.

A violent blush painted her cheeks burgundy as she tried to hide them in her white Burberry scarf.

"Ahh stop thinking about it, Arena Anette Calder," mumbled Arena under her breath as she struggled to keep her eyes off him.

Kihyun was breathing hard and concentrating on what the director was saying, not noticing Arena looking at him and then the ground, over and over.

"Oy, choreographer."

Arena's head perked up as she looked around to find the person in need of her services. Her hazel eyes stoppod on one of the cameramen, waving at her to get over her.

They needed her help.

She left her position from the place she had been observing their movements from and tugged her notepad deep into her snug coat pocket.

"The last shot of the legwork is from this angle, but somehow Changkyun keeps getting lost in the shadows, we don't have enough time to start replacing cameras and finding a new angle, can you do anything about the choreo so that he doesn't slip away from the shot?"

Arena nodded and crouched down to assess the situation from the view finding screen, attached to the huge camera the middle aged cameraman was sitting behind. He had glasses with thick blue frames and a knitted hat covering his almost balding head.

She straightened again a few moments later, having just the thing in mind as the solution. "Yeah, I think I can help you somehow, I'll be right back."

Arena took a step away from the camera and started heading towards the group. The sudden weird feeling in the pit of her stomach increasing and growing with each step she took.

Arena cupped her hands over her mouth to make her voice more dominent in the hollow space they resided in.

"Guys, listen up!"

Seven surprised heads turned toward where she was standing. Arena immediately felt anxious with all the sudden attention on her.

She swallowed and kept moving until she reached the middle of the filming site, the exact place the group was waiting in for further instructions.

Eyes were kept on her, including his.

"Umm," muttered Arena as she turned on her heel to find the cameraman she had talked to.

"Ah, yeah okay. We're going to have to make this small change in the choreography."

As the words left her lips she was met with silence and nods. No further questions or objections like in their rehersals and practices. Arena in this situation was their surperior and teacher and she was the one who made the decisions. The only thing they could do was calmly listen and then fulfill her orders.

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