Depressing shit and violence up ahead m'dudes.
I scream in delight and shake Alex, who gives a small grin and nods when I point to a cotton candy stand with FUCKING TURTLE COTTON CANDY. He rolls his eyes when he hands me a ten dollar bill, and I race over to the stand. Before handing the money over though, I catch a glimpse of the dude on the bill. Dang, he's not half bad.
I had to borrow from Alex because I already spent mine on a bunch of gay pride shit. Okay, not shit, that stuff is amazing.
I giggle and run back to him, pulling the flag over my shoulder again and marching along with my friends, laughing as Herc trips and falls into a woman wearing a lesbian pride sweater and yellow converse. He shoots up and apologizes profusely as we all shriek in laughter, but I stop and let my jaw drop when I see who it is.
"PEGGY!?" Her eyes widen and she squeals, running over to me and jumping up and down. "YOU DID IT!" She nods profusely, tears coming to her eyes as she grins widely.
"Wait, Peggy?" Herc grabs her shoulder and turns her around, then screams and pulls into her into his arms, literally crushing her. "You're lesbian!? OH MY GOD, GUYS, PEGGY JUST CAME OUT!" She coughs as Laf shrieks, pushing her to the ground in a tackle.
"OH MON DIEU, JE SUIS FIER DE MON PETIT PREFERENCE SCHUYLER!" She giggles as we all bury her alive, and shrieks when Laf screams into her ear again. "SI JE N'ÉTAIS PAS GAY, JE VOUS ÉPOUSERAIS MAINTENANT!!" Alex gasps and slaps his arm, earning an eye roll from the French man.
"What, what did he say?!" Alex just snorts and shakes his head, standing up and brushing himself off as we all clamber up to rise above him.
"That he would marry Peggy if he weren't gay." Herc gasps dramatically and pretends to cry, raising a hand in the air as if about to slap him.
"Oh! Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette, you tomcat!" Laf strikes a pose and pretends to fall as Herc swings his hand across Laf's face a few feet away, gasping.
"Oh, take me back, mon cher!" Herc sniffs and turns away, pretending to sob as we all cheer and clap. Laf stands from his position on the floor and joins Herc in bowing, and they end their little skit with a kiss. Peggy screeches and spins in a circle, excited to finally be free.
"AAAAH, YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!" Laf blushes a bright red and shrugs, wrapping an arm around Herc as we continue to move.
"What can I say, it's kinda hard not to be cute when you are zé most, how you say, aesthetic couple around." We laugh and pull Peggy underneath the flag, marching along with our heads high. Like I said earlier, SO MUCH COLOR!
Alex is wearing a basic bitch bisexual sweatshirt, with his usual pride bracelet on. He bought new shoelaces as well, and the mix of purples honestly looks pretty cool on his dark blue converse.
Laf has on a gay pride tank top, and shoes he asked me to paint with the transgender pride flag. It may sound weird, the mix of color, but let's be real, Laf looks fabulous in anything. A gay pride bracelet on one arm, transgender on the other, and a shitload of ribbons to make a rainbow out of his poof.
Herc is pretty much wearing the same thing as Laf, just a little less fabulous, because nobody can be as fabulous as Laf. And of course, without the transgender stuff. The best part about him, is the rainbow bandana he has on.
Me, on the other hand, went a little wacko. It was so much color, I couldn't resist! And plus, if I choose one favorite color, all the other ones will get mad at me, so I had to go rainbow. And I'm gay, but whatever. I stuck a bunch of gay pride flags in my hair and did the same ribbon thing as Laf, the little stripes of color twisting along with my hair. Turtle sweatshirt, of course, and rainbow shoes. Rainbow sunglasses. Rainbow baseball cap. Rainbow pride bracelet. Basically, anything that's wearable, I was wearing it in rainbow form.

You make me sick
FanfictionThe last year of college. Squished into an uncomfortable dorm room is Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton, and the dreaded Thomas Jefferson. A room over, Aaron Burr, Hercules Mulligan, and John Laurens. God help them all.