Sick (4)

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Laf left for classes early, and I'm meandering around the kitchen aimlessly for something to eat. Umm... Apple? Sure, but with what else? How about.. Toast. Yeah, sure, toast, let's go with that. 

When the bread is finished and pops out, I quickly grab the slice and shove an apple into my mouth, stepping out into the hallway and slowly shutting and locking the door behind me. A flash of lightning strikes and I jump, shocked by this.

I didn't realize it was raining... But now that I do, I see that it is literally pouring outside. I lean against the cold window and breathe fog circles onto the chilly glass, admiring the way the rain drips slowly down the surface, sliding away.

Jemmy hated the rain, but I've always loved it. Something about the way it works, looks, and smells always gets me excited. Especially the smell. 

It trickles slowly down the panel of glass, then drips off of the edge onto the plants below. I have no idea how I'm supposed to get to classes without getting absolutely drenched, but that's fine with me. 

I'm about to leave when the dorm door next to ours slams open, and I jump in surprise. Laurens dashes out, hair unbrushed and out of its usual ponytail. His eyes are wide as he pounds on our dorm door, then turns to me frantically.

"Jefferson, keys!" I raise an eyebrow, reaching for my back pocket slowly.

"Umm.. okay, but why do yo-"

"JUST GIVE ME THE FUCKING KEYS!" I raise both hands in self defense, and he snatches the keys out of my hand, clumsily unlocking the door and then running inside, throwing the keys at me without a second glance before slamming it shut.


I bend down to pick them up from where they landed by my feet, a sloppy attempt of giving them back. I quickly head downstairs and run across the plaza, hood pulled over my head in an attempt to shield myself from the heavy downfall. 

Not enough to keep me from getting wet. I remember, once there was a horrible storm, and James thought it would be fun to go outside. He was always the innocent one in our relationship, which made him breaking up with me even harder. 

We had splashed around in puddles, but when we came back inside, we found that his hair does not do well with excessive amounts of water. Little of it though there may be. 

It took about two hours to fix it, but the whole time we watched Disney movies and sang songs. That night we fell asleep on the couch, entertwined in each other's arms with a crazy amount of hair supplies surrounding us. Waking up was hard. 

Somehow, I made it to the other side, hair matted down from the rain and hoodie drenched. I step inside, running up the halls and listening to the satisfying rumble on thunder and pattering on rain on the dark windows. 

I step inside of the debate classroom, mumbling a quick apology to Mr. Washington, and then sliding into my seat. A few people snicker at my hair, which is probably a mess, but I don't care. 

You make me sickWhere stories live. Discover now