Those (13)

186 2 11

Szin/Julia is queen. Go watch her animatics 👌


A voice resonates from inside. It's Carl.

"Your majesty, we have to go now." I respond without even talking.

"Of course. I'm ready."

"Are you sure? Reality will only come around every few weeks. This could very well be your last time." 

"I'm sure." Alex smiles weakly, sniffing as a single tear makes it way down his cheek. I reach up gently and wipe it away, taking his hand with mine.

"Goodbye, Alex." He opens his mouth to say something, but when his lips start moving, I don't hear anything. He's talking without sound. 

Everything slows down, and the tears forming in his eyes freeze. I sit up easily, the pain gone, and watch as Lafayette blinks excruciatingly slow, then turns with tears in his eyes. Everything seems to glow a soft golden as Alex keeps talking to the bed, where I was just resting. I turn around confusedly, then sigh when I see myself. Laying there. Breathing softly with ragged breaths, pale and eyes closed. 

Reality just left.

I lean over and press a kiss to Alexander's temple, sighing as I slide off the hospital bed, which seems to disintegrate once I lose contact with it. A last glance before we both dematerialize, floating away like sand on a gentle breeze. 

His eyes squeeze shut just before he leaves. My body doesn't move. 

I step over to Peggy, who bites her fingernail on the other side of wall as it floats away slowly, in time with her furrowed brow as she leans into Hercules' arm. Everything slower than I've ever seen. 

The particles of everything surrounding us fade into a soft glowing golden, just like my palace back home. Not much time left. 

Only Peggy is left as Hercules and Lafayette float away together, eyes sliding shut as Laf smiles shyly at me, the last time I'll see him for a while. Their amber flakes float together, mingling and twisting along with the winds.

I wave softly, then turn back to Peggy, who shakes slowly. She's the only thing left, as our surroundings all disintegrate around us, creating a slow whirlwind of gold and red. 

Her hair is picked up by the whirling winds, and she suddenly speeds up. I watch warily as she breathes heavily, widening her eyes as her outlines and soft curves whiten, glowing along with her hair. She gasps before stumbling away from her body, which shakes slowly with tears.

She bites her lip and smiles weakly at me, just before stumbling into my arms. I breathe in her soft scent, ignoring her body start to crumble away. The bottom of her dress that she wears seems to float along with the winds, a glowing and gentle yellow. 

She blushes a gentle amber, bringing a hand up to my cheek.

"I'll miss you, Laurens." I sigh and slide my hand down to her side, smiling. 

"I'll miss you too. I love you." A soft whisper seems to float away from on her lips, just before she sighs and slows down again, color fading to a depressing grey, just before she floats away, forever.

A hard bang is heard, then everything freezes midair. Every particle, every ember. Then sharp darkness races from the sides, swallowing me as I close my eyes slowly, letting in engulf me. 

Goodbye, reality.


I make my way down the hallway a week later, when a soft ember floats in from the golden arches along the palace side. It's a soft lavender, a color I've never seen in my kingdom before. Only goldens, ambers, reds, and rich greens here.

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