Just A Dream

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After a long day, Luna finally got to go to sleep. She went to bed and her eyes immediately closed when she was lying down. She was happy to be able to finally rest. 

When she fell asleep, she found herself in a beautiful, magic place. The view stretched itself out for miles. She couldn't see the end of the grass field with thousands of roses. In front of her, there was a huge waterfall with a small lake. The water was so clear and blue. It was one of the nicest things she has ever seen. She couldn't get tired of everything that she is seeing at the moment. She never wanted to leave this place.

She stared at her reflection in the water and she saw that she wasn't wearing her pyjama but a beautiful red dress. She looked like she just stepped out of a fairy tale. She looked at herself for a few minutes. She was startled when she suddenly saw a face that wasn't hers in the water.

She looked up to see if anyone else is here but she didn't see anybody. She didn't understand what was happening. She hopelessly looked for the person she saw but she had no luck.

After a while, she got sick of looking and decided to sit down on the grass to take in the breath taking view for as long as she can. 

Suddenly, the sun came out and everything around her lighted up. Just as she thought this wasn't going to get any more beautiful, she saw the flowers blooming and the water got even more blue. She wished she could take pictures of it but unfortunately, it was just a dream. She couldn't do anything but looking at the view. She was okay with that.

Unexpectedly, a guy appeared next to her. She didn't see his face at first. She just saw a shadow. Then she looked up and saw a handsome young guy with brown hair and brown eyes. He was just as suprised to be here as she was.

They looked at each other confused. After a couple of stares between them, the stranger went to sit down next to Luna. She followed his moves with her eyes. They finally looked each other in the eyes. They both hesitated to say anything. They didn't really know what to do next.

After a few minutes of staring, the boy decided to start up the conversation. "Who are you?"

"I'm Luna and you?" she asked with a lot of doubt in her voice. She seemed very unsure.

"I'm Matteo. What are you doing here?" he asked with a frown on his face.

"I could ask you the same thing. As far as I knew, we're in my dreams." she suddenly said with a lot of conviction.

His confusion clearly seen on his face got bigger. "That can't be because I'm pretty sure we're in my dreams." 

It was her turn to have an expression of confusion on her face: "That's not possible. How?"

"I don't know. This never happened to me before." He casually said.

"Me neither." Luna started trying to find an answer but there was no rational explanation for this. She had no idea what this actually was. Was this a dream? Or wasn't it?

They were both thinking about how this could be possible and couldn't find anything.

But Matteo decided to not let this opportunity pass him by to talk to this beautiful girl that was sitting next to him.

"Where are you from? I noticed that you have an accent." He tried to start up a conversation.

"I'm from Mexico." She looked over at him and said: "You have an accent too. Where do you come from?"

"I'm from Italy." He answered her. After a few seconds of silence "Would you like to discover this place with me, Luna?" He asked as he stood up and reached out his hand for her to take it.

She smiled and took his hand. Luna was a little startled to feel his touch. She didn't expect to feel any human touch because somehow she knew she wasn't in the real world. So jumped up a little when she felt the warmth of his touch. She didn't know him but in some way, she felt safe with him, he felt so familiar. He helped her get up. It was very easy to him and she really liked that.

Without letting go of each other, they took a walk around the lake. They didn't want to go to far because they were afraid that this view will end at some point and they didn't want to loose this.

The lake was bigger than they tought, it took them hours to walk around it. It didn't matter. They were happy to be here. But they both were afraid that this would end any time now. So they tried to spend as much time together as possible. They were both scared to never see each other again. Much to their surprise, they enjoyed each other's company, they loved spending all this time together. They were talking and making jokes. 

Somehow they got tired of walking and decided to sit down again. It was still strange to Luna, it almost felt real. All of this but she also knew that she was asleep. She didn't understand it at all. The thought was in the back of her mind all the time. She couldn't stop wondering. 

"Luna!" Matteo's voice interrupted her toughts.

She looked up and saw the panicked expression on his face. He was fading away. He was starting to become invisible little by little. Luna panicked and ina desperate way, she hung onto him. She grabbed his hand, like this was the only way to keep him here. He held on as well. He didn't want to go away either. But they couldn't go around the inevitable. He disspeared into thin air. When he was nowhere to be seen, she felt tears streaming down her face. It felt like she lost part of her. She didn't believe that someone could mean the world to her in such a short amount of time. The worst thing is, she's not even sure if he was real or not. It certainly felt real but she didn't want to believe it.

Before she could think about it even more, she started to fade away as well. She didn't know what was happening or what happened to Matteo, before giving it a second thought. Her eyes flung open and suddenly she was back in her bedroom. She apparently made some noise and her mother heard her.

Monica came rushing into the room. Worried about Luna.

"What happened?" she asked with a worried tone.

"I'm not sure..." She stopped to take a breath and continued: "I was in this beautiful place and there was this guy. Someone I have never met before. I think it was just a dream but it felt so real. I don't know if you get it." 

Monica pulled her in for a hug. "Oh Luna." she couldn't help but let out a laugh.

Luna didn't knew why she did it: "What's so funny?" 

"I think you just met your soulmate." it was all her mother said. Luna understood even less. Her mind was spinning like crazy trying to understand it all.

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