Romantic Dates & Heartbreaking Goodbyes

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Luna was pacing back and forth, she didn't know how to break the news to Matteo. They've been dating for a while now and she fell in love with him more every day. That's why it was so difficult for her to deal with this.

They were supposed to meet up for a date today but she wasn't sure if she should go. Matteo told her he had planned a very romantic day out and he couldn't wait to show it to her. After a lot of thinking, she decided to go. She didn't want to hurt him and she needed to tell him sooner or later but is is really a good time to tell him? 

She had no idea what they were going to do so it was hard to pick the right outfit, she eventually went with a skirt and a leather jacket. She hoped it was the right choice.

Matteo picked her up at the mansion so he could take her wherever he chose to go. The doorbell rang and Luna was the one to open the door. Matteo was wearing his typical vest with a shirt underneath. Luna got distracted by hos handsome he looked in those clothes. So she just stared at him for a while. Matteo had a smirk on his face, showing he knows what she's thinking.

But his smirk disappeared rather quickly when he saw Luna: "You look beautiful." he managed to say.

"You too." she commented. They looked at each other smiling. Matteo was the first one to break up the staring. 

"Let's go." he put out his arm for her to take it and she did. Together, they walked to his surprise date.

They ended up in a Japanese garden, it was somewhere she's never been before. She was in aw of the view. But all Matteo looked at was her. He was nervous to see if she would like it. "It's really beautiful." she said.

"There's more." he lead her to the edge of a small pond. There was a blanket and a basket there. He arranged a picknick for them. 

Luna was speechless, everything was perfect to her. She had no words to describe all of this. It wasn't until Matteo asked if she liked it, she was able to say something: "Like it? I love it." 

Matteo smiled brightly, accomplishing his goal. They went to sit down and they looked over to the water. It felt peaceful. It didn't take away her worries though and he noticed something was up. She should have known that after a month of dating, he would know her so well. 

"What's wrong, Luna?" he had a very worried tone in his voice. 

"Nothing, I'm fine." she said, trying to pretend everything's okay.

"You should know by now that you can't lie to me." he said with a soft voice. He carefully turned her head to look her into the eyes. "Tell me what's wrong." 

"I don't want to ruin this date." she said sadly. 

"Luna, it's okay, you can tell me." he insisted, he hated to see her like this, tears about to fall down. "I can't stand to see you like this." 

She took a deep breath and as she knew he would not give up until he knew, she started: "It's my parents." she took another deep breath to get the courage to say what she had to say. "Señora Sharon is sending them back to Mexico, which means I have to go back with them." 

"What? Why?" he was very confused.

"I don't know, she didn't tell us. All I know is that we're leaving soon." she looked down at the ground to hide the sadness on her face.

"Is there no way you could change her mind?" he asked desperately.

"No, the decision is made." Tears streamed down on her face silently. She turned her face so he would see her cry. But it was already too late.

"This can't be." he sounded sad as well. He pulled her closer and held her in his arms. "We just found each other." 

"I know." it was all she said. They sat there in silence, both sad about what's going to happen, feeling helpless. He has been so happy with her lately. He didn't want to be parted from her in any way. It would be too hard not to see her and have her in his arms every day. He saw a future with her and he was not ready to give up on that, he wanted to find a way for them to be together.

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