Finding My Home

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Luna has been restless ever since she got back to Mexico. She found it hard to fall asleep. Nothing seemed the same anymore, yet it was but something was missing and she was painfully aware of what it was. Luna hadn't had a dream with Matteo ever since they met in real life and she didn't mind until now. They have been calling and texting each other but it wasn't the same as standing face to face and being able to touch each other.

Luna decided to go out skating for a while, it always makes her feel a little bit better. She went skating next to the beach as usual. It had been like a routine for her. But what she didn't know is that this time was going to be different for her. 

She was near the docks and skated on full speed. For a second, she didn't look where she was going. All of a sudden, she felt someone crashing into her and she was about to say something about it but then she saw who the guy was that she crashed into. She couldn't believe her eyes when she noticed who was standing in front of her with a big smirk on his face. It was Matteo.

She couldn't hide the smile that started to appear on her face. She was speechless so she decided to go in for a hug. They hugged each other tightly, it was like they were holding onto each other like they were holding onto their last breath.

Matteo's breathing was heavy. He tried to enjoy every minute of this moment. He has never been so happy to crash into someone. "Luna, there you are." he said.

Luna still couldn't find the words to say so all she did was look at him with a smile from ear to ear.

When it was clear to Matteo that Luna was too flustered to say anything, he went on to say: "I missed you so much that I booked a flight straight to Cancún as soon as I could." 

"You're really here." she was finally able to say something.

It was his turn to smile: "Yes, I'm here." 

Luna flew in his arms again. Matteo lifted her up easily and they turned around and around. It was a very happy reunion for both of them.

When he put her down, he held his hands on her waist and he looked into her eyes with such intensity before he leaned down to kiss her.  Their kiss was intense and desperate. It was obvious they missed each other. They didn't want to let go of each other. Eventually they did so they could breathe. 

After they seperated, he still held her in his arms, he held her so tight she almost couldn't breathe but she didn't care. They were in each other's arms and Matteo rested his chin on her hair while she took in his smell, something she missed very much.

She found it hard to let go but she had to ask him: "How long are you staying?" 

Matteo's face turned into a sad look: "Only two days." 

Luna's face fell as well but tried to look at it on the positive side: "Let's make the most out of it then." and they did. They spent every minute he was in Mexico together. They haven't been this happy in a while.  Everyone around them noticed that they weren't happy while they were seperated. Their friends did everything to try and cheer them up but nothing seemed to work.  It still amazed Matteo how much they started meaning to each other in the short time they've known each other. 

When it was time for him to leave, Luna accompanied him to the airport. No matter what they did, they didn't let go of each other for even a second. They were either holding hands or his arm was around her shoulder or they were hugging. 

Luna didn't leave his side until it was time to board. They shared their last kiss for now. "Promise me you'll call as soon as you land." she said in an almost begging voice. 

"I promise I will." he gave her a last peck on her lips and left to board the plane. She stared after him until he was out of sight. Tears were silently streaming down her face. It was always hard to say goodbye. It was probably one of the hardest things she had to do. Now, all she could do was hope to see him soon. But for now, she had to settle with face timing, calls and texts.

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