A sky full of stars gives me an amazing suprise

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A couple of weeks had gone by since they last saw each other and Luna hated that she wasn't able to see him again. Ever since they met in each other's dream, she couldn't stop thinking about him. He was constantly on her mind. It wasn't like her but she couldn't help herself.

One morning, she woke up and heard her parent arguing about something and she couldn't help but listen in on the conversation.

"What are we going to tell Luna? She is not going to want to go." Her mother said.

"We have no choice. If we don't, we no longer have a job." Her father argued.

"I know but how are we going to tell our daughter?"

Just when Miguel was about to say something, Luna walked into the room.

"What do you have to tell me?" Luna was curious.

"Luna, let's sit down for a bit, okay?" her dad suggested.

Luna obeyed and waited for him to continue.

"Our boss has asked us to work for her in Buenos Aires and she told us that if we don't agree, she'll fire us." Her mom explained.

Luna didn't know what she was hearing. "Look, Luna, I know this is not what you wanted to hear and if you don't want to go, we can say no." her dad added.

"No, I don't want to be the one who gets you fired, say yes." Luna tried to stay calm.

"Are you sure, sweetheart?"

"Yes, I'm sure." After that, she left without saying anything else.

For the rest of the day, she went out skating. After the conversation with her parent, she couldn't stop thinking about what her mother said before. About her soulmate.

Is it possible? Could the one she's dreaming of really be her soulmate? What if it's true? Will she ever meet him in real life now that she's moving to Argentina? She isn't dreaming of him anymore so she might never see him again. She didn't want that because she missed his brown eyes and his fresa sayings. She wouldn't know what to do if she really will never see him again. Just the thought of it hurt her so much. It was unbelievable to her, she only saw him two times and he's already someone important in her life. She kept wondering how it happened so quickly?

All of these questions kept going through her mind the entire day and before she knew it, the day was over. Tomorrow was moving day so she had to go to sleep early. With those questions still in her head, she fell asleep.

She suddenly found herself on some kind of balcony. It was dark and the moon was full. The stars were shining as bright as usual. She couldn't stop staring at the sky, it was so beautiful.

It took her while to hear that someone was calling her name behind her. With the first word, she already knew who it was. She couldn't believe that he was actually here with her again.

She turned out so quickly because she wanted every second available to be able to look him in the eyes. Her sad face suddenly turned into a bright smile.

His smile got bigger in response. This time, they both didn't want to waste any time. The ran towards each other and hugged each other so tightly. This time, the hug was longer than before, they were both so relieved to see the other again.

When they finally let go of each other, they didn't let go just yet. They held onto each other because they were afraid that one of them was going to fade away again.

So they were holding hands. It somehow felt right to Luna. Like this was meant to be. She didn't know how to explain, she just knew that this was right.

They both looked up at the sky. They were enjoying this moment. Just casually looking at the stars. Luna tried to forget everything that was about to happen to her. But she couldn't hide that it made her sad. He noticed this of course. There's was no detail that slipped away from him.

"What's wrong Luna?" he asked with a serious and worried tone.

Luna decided that she had nothing to loose telling him. "I'm moving tomorrow."

"To where?" he was getting worried. They had talked about where they lived and he had to admit that he was seriously considering to go to her city just to see her in real life.

"I'm moving to Buenos Aires. My parents are going to work there." Tears started to run down her cheeks, she didn't want to leave the place where she grew up behind.

Matteo slowly caressed her cheek and wiped the tears away. He hated to see her like this. Seeing her hurt, hurt him as well.

He slowly took her in his arms and held her tight. She caressed her slowly, hoping this would comfort her a little.

It seemed to work. She started to feel a bit better. She was so grateful that he knew how to comfort her.

She looked up into his eyes and mouthed a 'thank you' to him. All he did was smile at her.

She slowly started to get closer to him, she didn't really know what she was doing but she just went with it. He leaned into her as well. Their lips were only a few inches away now, she closed her eyes but he didn't do anything, he just said: "Can I tell you a secret?"

She was a little disappointed by this but she answered anyway: "Of course."

"Tomorrow will be your lucky day. Because you will be able to see the king of the rink in person." He smirked lightly.

It took her a while to process what he had just said. After a few moments, it finally hit her. He was the king of the rink, he had told her last time that people call him that. She finally realized that she was going to see him in person tomorrow because he'll be in Buenos Aires as well.

Right when it hit her, he started to fade away again. She desperately tried to hold onto him but it was hopeless. He was gone once again and now, she was fading away as well.

She opened her eyes. She woke up with a smile. It's going to happen, she's going to meet the guy of her dreams in person. All of a sudden, she couldn't wait to move to Argentina.

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