Is this what love looks like?

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Their lips have been inches away for a long time now, she really wanted to kiss him but she stopped herself. She didn't know what was happening to her. Matteo was startled at when she suddenly pulled away and he didn't understand what was happening.

He looked at her frowning and asked: "Are you okay?"

She hesitated for a bit. "No, everything's okay."

He didn't seem convinced but she still tried to pretend nothing happened. "So you skate a lot, where do you go skating?" she tried to pick up where the conversation left off.

Matteo answered even though he was worried: "There's this place called Jam & Roller."

Luna was shocked to hear the name and he had no idea why she reacted the way she did. "Wait, that's where you skate?" she finally asked.

"Yes, do you know it?" 

"I was there yesterday." she said.

"Me too." his frown turned into a smile. "But how come we didn't see each other there then?"

"I don't know." Luna's mind wandered to find an explanation.

"What a coincidence." Matteo commented because he couldn't stand the silence that was between them.

They sat there in silence for a long time. Luna was still holding back and Matteo knew it.

"What if we go skating tomorrow? I want to see how good you are." Matteo finally asked.

Luna hesitated for a while. "Okay, let's meet at the same spot at the same hour." she simply said. After that, she stood up from the bench "I should probably go, I still have a lot of unpacking to do."

"Okay, sure. I'll see you tomorrow then." he gave her a fainted smile. When he attempted to hug her, she held out her hand. He decided to shake it like she wanted to. After that, they both went their seperate way. Matteo was a bit dissapointed in how things went down and Luna got a little scared.

Luna arrived at the mansion with a sad look on her face. Her mother immediately noticed it and tried to talk to her: "Hey, Luna, are you okay?"

At first, she didn't want to say anything but decided to tell her mom because she needed some advice. "It's all just a lot." When Monica didn't respond she continued: "The move but also the dreams." With that sentence, he looked up at her mom a little unsure. 

It took Monica a minute to understand what she means. "Wait, do you mean the dreams that you were having about that boy?" Luna just nodded. "Look, I know it seems that all of this is a bit overwhelming. But, those dreams that you're having, they're a good thing. Trust me, give it time and you'll see it."

"Mom, do you really believe it's true? That the person in your dreams is your soulmate?" she finally asked the question she was dying to ask.

"Do you want to know something?" Monica asked softly and Luna waited for her to continue. "Miguel was the person in my dreams."

Luna couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her parents also met each other through their dreams. "Really?"

"Yes, it's true." Somehow this comforted Luna a little. 

She smiled at Monica and said: "Thank you for telling me." They hugged and then her mom left her alone.

She knew that she had to talk to him for real now. She didn't understand why she felt the way she did but one thing she knew for sure was that what she feels, she never felt before. She didn't want to recognize it before but it was time she did. Matteo is Luna's soulmate and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't deny that she was in love with him. Tomorrow would be a big day for her, she will talk to him and she told herself to say what she feels for him once she sees him.

Matteo wasn't happy. He thought that this meeting was going to be great. But it wasn't. He's never seen her like this. They were closer than ever but right then, she pulled away. He keeps trying to find explanations for what she did but he couldn't come up with any. He wasn't looking forward to tomorrow anymore, he didn't want her to be distant. It hurt him, being so close to her yet far away. It was like a dozen knives were cutting him. He never thought this was ever going to happen to him. He never thought he would need someone's light and smile so much. He never understood what was going on between them and why they meet in each other's dreams. Then he asked himself if Gastón was right. Is she really his soulmate?

He was exhausted to keep wondering about everything that happened today so he decided to go to sleep. He had no idea what was going to happen when he would be sleeping. But he was too tired to think of any scenario so he just closed his eyes.

In an instant, he was back at the spot where they met for the first time in real life. He knew this was a dream but it felt different this time. He saw her waiting for him but looking at her felt different. Usually, he somehow felt her presence like they were in the real world. But this didn't look as real as the other dreams. 

No matter what he was thinking, he started walking towards her. He needed to know what was going on and he knew that the only way to find out was to approach her. He did so slowly. He looked her in the eyes and she had a bright smile on her face. It felt welcoming so he got closer and closer to her. 

She was just standing there and once he was close enough, she started to speak: "Hello Matteo."

"Hi, Luna." he said. "What's going on?" She didn't give him an answer. The only thing she did was look at him. "Is this real? Are you real?" he kept asking questions.

When she knew that he wasn't going to stop until she gave him an answer, she finally said: "I'm here for you."

Matteo didn't understand and she knew he didn't. "I'm here to show you how you feel." She started getting closer to him. She took his hands into his and he just followed her. 

A little bit later, she put her hands on his cheeks and leaned into him. "I love you, Matteo." He didn't have time to take it all in because right after that, her lips were on his. In some way, the kiss felt real. Too real. Without thinking any further, he kissed her back and the kiss turned deeper. Matteo felt like her touch gave him little bolts of electricity. He started to feel warm inside. It was like there were butterflies flying around in his stomach. That's when the kiss stopped and without realizing it, he said: "I love you too, Luna"

That's when he woke up. He opened his eyes and he was back in his bedroom. He didn't know what just happened but he knew it was an important step for him. Then it hit him, he was in love with Luna and Gastón was right, Luna is his soulmate.

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