The warmth of your presence beats the warmth of the sun

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It's been a few weeks since Matteo had this weird dream of a girl. He still remembers his dream as if it had just happened. He didn't know her well but he already missed seeing her. He had so much fun when he was with her. He knows it was just a dream? But why did it feel so real then? He wanted to see her again. He has been trying to see her every time he goes to sleep but she never came. He didn't know why. Maybe it was just a one time thing. He didn't want it to be. He had no idea what to do. 

After a while, he gave up and stopped hoping he would see her again. Sadly, he went back to bed just like every night and tried to fall asleep without thinking of the girl named after one of the most beautiful things in space.

When he closed his eyes and went to sleep, he found himself at the most beautiful beach he has ever seen, the ocean as clear as glass. The water so bright blue. The sand so white, he's never seen anything like that. The sun burning. He had no idea where he was but he didn't want to leave this place ever. 

He heard someone call his name behind him and he recognized the voice almost immediately. He has never been so happy to hear someone call his name before. He slowly turned around as if he was scared that she would fade away once he sees her, which is a good possibility. But she was standing there in front of him. She's prettier than he remembers. He didn't know how that was possible. When his eyes met hers. The corner of his lips went up. He knew very well that he could drown into her eyes and he doesn't care if she notices it. 

But Luna did notice and her already radient smile got brighter. All of a sudden, a warm feeling came over him. It felt like her smile made him feel warmer, even though he was just dreaming. But the feeling was real no matter what. It's something he didn't want to let go of. 

Slowly he took a few steps forward. He was doing all of this very carefully because he was terrified that all of this will stop in an instant if he goes too fast. 

Luna didn't make a move. She just stood there, watching him come closer to her. Maybe she was scared as well. He hoped she was because that would mean that she didn't want this to be over as well.  After what seemed forever to him. He was close enough to touch her. They stood there just staring at each other for a while. Then he felt the sudden urge to hug her so he did. She immediately put her arms around him in response. He could stand there forever if it was up to him but eventually she pulled away. 

Luna was the first to speak: "I never thought I'd see you again."

Matteo's smile got even bigger: "Same here."

They both smiled at each other. Matteo noticed that she was a little confused and asked her: "What's wrong?"

Luna acted as if nothing happened: "No, it's nothing."

He knew she was hiding something but he decided to let it go for now.

"So how have you been?" he asked so he could change the subject.

"Good and you?" she looked him in the eyes.

"Great." Liar. He thought by himself.

"So tell me about you?" The last time they talked they were talking about where they live and what their countries were like and their general information.  It never went any further but he wanted to know everything about her. Every small little detail.

"Okay." she said as she went to stand next to him to have a view of the ocean and the beach. "What do you want to know?"

He tried to avoid giving her the obvious answer but instead he said: "What are your hobbies?"

Luna's eyes lit up at the thought of her hobbies and now he loved looking into them even more. 

"I love skating." it's the only thing she said.

"Really? I do too." A smirk appeared on his face when he had an amazing idea. "But I'm sure that I'm better than it than you." 

"Are you that confident?" He liked the way she was reacting to his teasing.

"I can't help that I'm perfect in what I do." His eyes were full of amusement.

"I'm sure you're just overestimating yourself." she turned around to him.

"I wouldn't dare." he just kept on teasing her.

"You're unbelievable." she hit her head with her hand trying to be dramatic. But the smile on her lips gave her away. Suddenly he found himself staring at her lips when she was looking down at the ground. Those beautiful soft lips. He wondered what it would be like to kiss them and all of a sudden he felt an urge to do so. He tried to keep it calm. 

"You know, I bet I can beat you in a competition easily." he didn't know how to stop.

"Keep on dreaming, chico fresa." He was confused about how she called him.

"What's chico fresa?" he frowned, he was afraid of the answer.

Luna laughed at the fact that he didn't know. "It's what we call boys like you in Mexico."

"Who am I to you then?" he unconciously took a step into her direction. She didn't move a muscle. Which made him step a little closer to her. Without thinking, he leaned in and suddenly their lips were inches away from each other. 

"That's what we call arrogant boys." she interrupted the moment and she stepped back.

Matteo was flustered by this. He didn't expect to hear that from her when they were standing so close. 

"According to you, I'm arrogant. Well, that's one hell of a compliment." he tried to pull himself back together. 

"It's what you are." she flicked his nose and then she ran away laughing. 

"I'll get you back for this." he immediately ran after her. They were both lauging and having the time of their lives. 

Suddenly, he stopped to see where went but he looked around him and didn't see anybody. He was surrounded by the noise of the waves crashing into the beach, of the wind softly blowing. What he didn't hear was her laugh. The most beautiful sound he has ever heard on this beach. He was standing alone. She left just like he did the last time. He already missed her. 

Then he was fading away as well. After that, he was back in his bed. Surrounded by the dark without her. He hated all of their sudden interruptions. The only thing left to do for him was hoping they would meet each other again. 

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