Cole X Reader - Part 39 (The Rest is up to You)

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"Well that was kind of over quickly." Kai watched the ambulance drive of at one fast speed. "Let's get Cole and Nya then go home... It's been one stressful, sad, dark day." Lloyd faced Nya who seemed to have calmed Cole down pretty well.

Back at the Bounty, Lloyd explained everything to him mum, dad and uncle. They were worried sick about you. Nya, Kai and Jay had a group talk in the living to get something off their chest. And so for Cole, Cole just went straight to his room. He didn't speak to anyone either, he just went somewhere where he could be alone to clear his head.

"I've just got a message from Zane." Jay opened his phone and read the message in his head. "Ohh yeah. What does it say?" Nya asked him hoping Zane had some good news. "Hi Jay. Just a little update about (Y-N). She's gone into surgery now, that can take many hours with a 10% chance in surviving. If the surgery is a success the only thing the doctors can do is let (Y-N) fight through it. I'm not going to say what's happened to her over the phone because it's pretty grim for me to say, so you might as well find out tomorrow if you all want to come and visit her. I'm also going to stay in over night to make sure she'll be ok. Hopefully I'll see you all tomorrow." Jay read out his message out loud from Zane.

"I... I don't know how to respond." Nya sighed in a little bit of relief. "Well I'm going to visit her, tomorrow. If it wasn't for (Y-N), Ninjago might have had a new ruler by now." Kai pointed out. "Same here." Nya joined in. "I might as well come too. We'll just have to keep a close eye on Cole, it must be pretty hard on him at the moment." Jay also agreed. "Yeah... We'll tell him the news if he comes out of his room." Kai arranged as he put his feet up on the Coffee table.

"You're telling me what news if I decide to come out of my room?" Cole walked into the living room to join in on the situation. "(Y-N) might be ok." Nya raised her hands in the air. "Yeah sure she will be." Cole rubbed his eyes and took a seat next to Jay. "Well look on the bright side, Cole. She's having surgery now that'll take a couple of hour, Zane is staying with her over night and he said we can all go fist her tomorrow." Jay announced to Cole. "Did he tell you what injuries she has?" Cole questioned as he slouched into the sofa. "He said he'll tell us tomorrow." Jay sort of cringed as he said it in the best way as possible.

"Hi Cole. You ok?" Lloyd joined in on the conversation as he'd just finished taking to his family. "Not really. The only thing on my mind is (Y-N) and I know she won't survive this... It's impossible!" Cole slapped his hands on his lap. "Don't say that, she still has a ten perc..." Kai spoke and then got interrupted. "KAI!" Nya nudged him. "I get it. She has a ten percent chance of surviving this situation. You don't need to hide it." Cole stood up and strolled to the kitchen.

As Cole went into the kitchen he heard a beeping sound come from the control room. He got a drink and then went to see what was going on. It was Zane, he managed to get a chance to Facetime everyone back at the Bounty. "ZANE IS FACETIMING FROM THE CONTROL ROOM!" Cole called everyone in.

Phone Conversation.

Cole: "Hi, Zane."

Zane: "Hello, Cole. Where is everybody?"

Cole: "They're coming though now."

Zane: "Ahh I see."

Cole: "I see that (Y-N)'s surgery wasn't a success."

Zane: "I don't follow."


Zane: "SHIT! Sorry! That isn't (Y-N). Don't worry." *Said in a cringy way.

Lloyd: "I over hear an argument. What's going on?"

Cole: "I thought that (Y-N)'s surgery wasn't successful because a dead person with covers over them was behind Zane!"

Lloyd: "Seriously, Zane?"

Zane: "I apologized didn't I?.. Plus I didn't even know that dead person was behind me."

Kai: "Well that's good then."

Jay: "It isn't for the dead person, though."

Lloyd: "How is she doing, Zane?"

Zane: "I don't know, it's only been an hour since she went into surgery. If you want, I can give you a quick peek through the window while they stitch some of her wounds up?"

All: "...Go on then."

Zane showed his friends the state you was in. And it wasn't a nice image to look at either. All sorts of hospital machinery was attached to you. Many different drips, a heart monitor, oxygen tank and some other stuff that couldn't even be named unless you're really intelligent.

Cole: "I can't look at that. It's just too sad." *Says while turning away.*

Ninjago - Cole X Reader (A Law breaker's Attachment)Where stories live. Discover now