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*** I recommend reading the first book

"How's everyone's progress?" Polaris asked as he exited the warehouse.

"We're getting stronger each day," Warlock exclaimed as he watched his fellow mutants train in the open field. A little over a month had passed since Rain had died. They were all still coming to grips with the loss, but they knew that Polaris was right, they needed to push aside their feelings if they wanted to defeat the humans.

Ira sighed from next to Warlock and said, "Not strong enough. If we want to even defeat half the humans, we're going to have to be stronger than an army. At this rate, that isn't going to happen."

"You make it sound like there's no hope," Polaris exclaimed.

"No, I'm thinking realistically. Most of them can only control one of their abilities. If we want to win, and stay alive, they need to be able to control all their abilities."

"You're right, but how are we going to hurry the process along?"

Split walked up to the three of them, panting heavily from running lap after lap around the outside of the warehouse. "I have an idea."


"Sir," a man said as he walked up to his commander.

"What is it?"

The man held out a tablet, pressing play on the screen the moment his commander had a hold of it. "You need to listen to this."

For a moment it sounded like someone running. After a few seconds the running stop, replaced by a voice that could barely be heard. "This is 4201. We are outside of the warehouse where the mutants reside. Their location has been saved in my GPS. It looks to be more than fifteen mutants inside the warehouse. We are..." His voice slowly disappeared, hidden behind static.

"Commander Marks, I think this was the last contact we had with Team Eagle," the man said, taking the tablet back.

"It must be. Tell 532 to search for the coordinates that 4201 saved. If he finds them, give them to me. We will go there in two days if it's their real location."

"Sir," he said.

"What?" Commander Marks angrily said. He was beginning to grow furious with all the questions.

"After losing communication with Team Eagle, we haven't been able to find them. Their GPS' are off. We can't find them anywhere on the map or our systems."

"You won't."

"Why not, sir?"

"Because they're dead."



"That's not the only issue."

Growing irritated at the constant problems arising, he gave a dirty look. "What is it this time?"

"The hidden mutant facility had a power failure."


After a short silence, the man said, "There are no human survivors."

"And the four mutants?"




Wind whipped past her hair as she ran through the woods. Her chest had begun burning long ago, but if she stopped running now, she'd be dead. She could no longer hear the footsteps behind her, chasing after he, but she knew they were there. They wouldn't give up on her that easily, not when she had all their information trapped inside of her brain.

When she stepped out of the wood she instantly froze. Three feet in front of her was Death. He stood at six feet tall, towering over her five-foot two stature. She watched him for a few seconds, enjoying the way he moved as he trained. As she watched him, she found herself amazed by his abilities. Then, it suddenly ended when she could no longer see him.

An arm held her against a chest while a hand wrapped around her throat. Death leaned his head down, whispering into her ear, saying, "Who are you, and why are you here?"

She fought the urge to try and fight him off. If he had been restrained by one of her co-workers, it would have been no problem, but this man was a mutant, she didn't know what he could do. "My name's Joy."

"What are you doing here, Joy? Don't you know us mutants are dangerous," he softly said into her ear, sending chills down her spine.

Joy wanted to put pressure on her side, it was still burning from running for so long. That's right, she thought to herself. I need to tell him to get inside before the other's get here. "I'll tell you anything you want to know if we can go inside."

"Why would I take you in there?" he asked, squeezing her throat tighter.

"Because," she could barely say. "There are other humans after me and they'll probably right behind me."

"Shit," Death said, still clutching onto her throat as he dragged her into the warehouse. He locked the door, all ten locks on it, and pulled her towards the meeting room where Polaris was speaking to Reaper and Dragon.

"Who is this?" Polaris asked, bolting up from his chair.

"She's human. She came out of the forest."

"Why'd you bring her in here?" Reaper practically yelled.

"Tell them what you told me," Death said, shoving her forward and finally letting go of her throat.

She took a deep breath in, trying to calm herself as she looked at the mutants surrounding her. In most situations she would have tried to kill them, but that was no longer the case. Not after what she had seen. After gathering herself, she said, "There are more humans coming, but they aren't after you, they're after me."


Thank you for reading so far! Due to me editing, the next chapter is much farther ahead. If you continue onto the next ones they will be empty as I am moving the chapters around and rewriting some of them. Don't worry! Everything is still in order it's just not the next chapter!

Thank you for reading!

<3 Yumi

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