6. Emergency Rooms and Red Lights

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Ashton's POV

Ashton's drive home was spent speeding and running red lights. What's the point of driving safely if there aren't defenseless children in the car? Granted Ashton knew his children weren't completely defenseless, due to the two cans of pepper spray they always had with them when they weren't at home. No matter where they went. Since they were old enough to operate the spray can they had always had a can with them in their pocket or in their bags. Everywhere, except for to school. After their first day two years ago, Destiny had insisted that they didn't need them and that Ezekiel had his phone in case of emergencies. And so from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. every weekday the twins were the most defenseless they had ever been in their lives.

Ashton signed as he stopped for a family to walk across the street. Oh how he wished his family could be like that. Not having to worry if the next person they see will hurt them or not. As he waited his phone started to ring. Fishing it out of his pocket and seeing Michael's name pop up he answered.

"Hey Mike, I'm almost back-"

"Ashton get to the hospital now. Emily was hurt." Michael interrupted.

"Fuck, okay I'll be there in 5." Aston said as he hung up the phone and sped off.

Four minutes later Ashton was pulling into the parking lot of the Emergency Room. Parking and running inside, he was met by the whole gang. Michael sitting crisscross in one of the waiting chairs, Ryan in the chair beside Michael with his head hung in his hands, and Liam standing in front of the them. Everyone except Emily. Running his hand through his hair, Ashton frowned walking over to them, "How is she? what happened?"

"We were down by the docks checking on some shipments. She insisted on going alone, she said it was just an average load. Like a dumbass, I let her go, while I waited in the car..." Tears slipped down Ryan's face. Michael put a hand on his shoulder.

Ryan continued, "The guy delivering the crates was acting weird, kept saying how nervous he was. Emily though he was just new and shrugged it off. She started to open the crates to check 'em and it exploded."

Ash stopped him, "Who was the guy?"

Still refusing to look up Ryan sighed, "Not sure, but he wasn't a Grey, at least not an official one. He started to run so I shot him, but he got way. Found this on the ground."

Pulling a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, he handed it to Ashton. Gently unfolding it Ashton read its contents.

We know. We'll be watching.

Nodding his head Ashton looked back to his team, "Is she going to be okay"

"Doc thinks she has a concussion, maybe a few broken ribs from being thrown by the explosion. She was out cold when I got to her and too many people heard the explosion I had to bring her here." Ryan answered finally looking up at Ashton.

Seeing Ryan's hurt expression, Ashton pulled him into a hug, "It's okay, She's okay, just a few bruises, we'll deal with him."

At that Ryan completely broke into tears and sat back into his chair. They all took a seat then silently waiting for news from the doctors. Michael holding Ryan's hand while he cried while typing on his phone free hand, Liam's arm slung behind Michael's head. Ashton watched them for a second deciding on what to do. Silently he pulled his hand out of his pocket and sent a message to Ezekiel telling the twins to be careful and to watch out for each other.

After what felt like hours of waiting a doctor came from behind a set of closed doors. "Family of Emily?" The doctor called.

All at once the gang stood up and rushed to the door.

"Hello I'm Doctor Adams, Emily is currently asleep. But you're all welcome to follow me if you'd like to see her." Doctor Adams said as he turned to go back through the doors. As everyone followed him, Doctor Adams continued. "She broke her arm and two ribs in the explosion. Also she has a major concussion. She's going to have trouble breathing for a while but she'll be okay. I don't recommend driving or anything that involves hand-eye coordination."

The whole gang let out a breath they didn't know they were holding as they followed him to Emily's room.

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