7. Bleach and Bright Lights

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Short chapter. More coming soon

Hospital room were something nobody in the gang enjoyed. They were bright, smelled like bleach, brought back bad memories, and often involved police questioning.

Emily was laid in the center of a huge hospital bed; a bed that seemed to swallow up her tiny form. The back of her head, her torso, and her right arm were all heavily bandaged. The gang let out a breath as they stepped into the room; it could have been worse.

As they entered, Ryan rushed to Emily's side, wrapped her hand in his and started to cry again. Liam took a seat next to Ryan and put a hand on his shoulder, while Michael went to Emily's other side and grabbed her free hand. This of course left Ashton to talk to the doctor.

"Thank you so much Doctor. We really do appreciate what you've done, but when can we get her out of here?" Ashton asked in the nicest way he knew how.

Dr. Adams gave Ashton a confused look before he noticed the appearance of the people around him: the tattoos, the piercings, the visible love between them all.

A knowing look crossed Dr. Adam's face. "Well, usually I'd want patients to stay for a couple of day so they could be monitored further, but you guys seem capable of that. So once she wakes up, I'll have a nurse discharge her and you guys will be free to go."

Ashton let out a sigh and shook the doctor's hand," Thank you so much sir."

"I'll go ahead and warn you know, the police were notified by some outside source. But they aren't here yet so once she awakens get her out of here. And don't let me find you guys in my hospital again." Dr. Adams joked.

"We'll stay far from here, I promise" Ashton nervously laughed. With that Dr. Adams exited the room.

Ashton ran a hand threw his hair and sighed, turning back to the gang. "Now lets just hope that Em wakes up before the cops get here."

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