Part 3: Enter: Kalawarner

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Hey guys Enriqo here just to say that plot is going to thicken and I want to thank you for any support that was given. Anyway, Enjoy!


Your P.O.V/ Your House 8:15 PM

You were just sitting at home revisiting the memeory of Akeno in your head when you decided to go out for a walk to get some fresh air. Walking through the streets at night calmed you in a way that it made life feel simpler and so much more deep than you could ever imagine. It was also one of your worst experiences of your life.

A time when things were a whole lot less complicated, you were just a boy. At the young age of 7 you and your parents would walk through the night to tell grand stories of powerful heroes that would do great things and pull off amazing feats that seemed impossible. You're parents were great at telling stories that made your mind go wild. Then they died. Right in front of you on one of those cold nights. They were killed by a dark figure in the sky. You managed to escape with you life but only by a hair.

These memories haunted you day and night but even remembering them more by walking in the streets reminded you of your parents and the good life you lived even if it was brief.

Then like a memory ripped straight out of your head, the sky went red and a black figure appeared in the sky. The figure landed and started to walk toward you menacingly.

(f/n): Who the hell are you!?

Kalawarner: My name is Kalawarner and I'm here to take your-

She then stopped talking and entered a state of awe while she looked into your deep (e/c) eyes finding herself at a loss for words.

You simply stood there extremely confused as 10 seconds have passed with her still looking into your eyes until she shook herself free from the daze.

Kalawarner: Uh- Shit I uh- Okay. I'm here to take your life. As painful as that will be for me.

(f/n): And uh how is that painful for you?

Kalawarner: T-Thats none of your concern!

(f/n): I'm gonna go ahead and say that it is since I would be dying!

Kalawarner: Just s-shut up and let me do what I have to do!

(f/n): Hold on let me think.
*Jeopardy theme plays* No.

You dash off as a spear of light lands in front of you stopping you in your tracks. She then appears behind you and grabbed you in a choke hold when you suddenly pull some ninja move shit and use her force and yours to flip her from behind you to the floor in front of you.

(f/n): Wow I didn't think that would actually work!

You then book it out of there while she moaned on the ground cursing you out.


Kalawarner P.O.V

Kalawarner: Shit he got away.

I was supposed to kill that boy due to his Sacred Gear but I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to kill him on my own even when he doesn't have his gear. I was so lost in his (e/c) eyes and how his (h/c) swayed in the night, it was throwing me off but I still have to kill him whether I want to or not.

Your P.O.V/ Your House 10:00PM

(f/n): What the actual fuck just happened!

You try to get a hold of what happened but you can't get a clue as to who she was or why she was tryna kill you but still deep in your mind lingered a thought that baffled you beyond compare.

(f/n): She was hot though. Not even gonna lie right now. What am I thinking right now she tried to kill me.
*Sigh* It could have just been my imagination with the warrior tales but even still that was too real for me.


Rias P.O.V ORC 10:00 PM

Rias: So Akeno what did you find out about our little interest?

Akeno: I think you mean MY interest but his name is (f/n) (l/n) and he's a real loner type with a nice sense of humor and, if I'm being honest, a body that's muscular but in the way that is comforting not so burly and rugged. He also is from America (or wherever you want it to be) and traveled quite a bit but he didn't tell me where. He's definitely boyfriend material.

Rias: Well I can see where you're research went.

Akeno: Can you blame me? I mean it's hard not to notice his defining features especially his deep (e/c), I could get lost in them and never find my way out and his (h/c) looks just perfect to run my fingers through and-

Rias: Enough!

Akeno: Jealous are we?

Rias: N-No, not even in the slightest. Just tell me, is there anything else that I should know.

Akeno: Well he's 16 years old and has already become friends with Issei. But other than that he hasn't told me much else.

Rias: Hmmm well I still sense a heavy power within him. Perhaps it's time to make him one of us.

Akeno: Don't rush it.

Rias: And why is that?

Akeno: I can tell he's holding something in him. He's feeling something inside and it's not pleasant and I want to find out what that is before we take him in.

Rias: That may be so but fate has the final say in when he will join us so it could be sooner than you hope. Remember that.

Akeno: Yes Rias, if you don't mind I'll be going to bed now.

Rias: I hope you sleep well.

Akeno: Goodnight president.


Well hey wasn't that fun, probably not but there's more on the way I hope you liked the whole backstory thing there and to top it all off over 1000 words in this part. I hope to write like this every time but feedback is still appreciated and I will probably take requests when Im done, maybe one-shots? Anyways thanks for reading!
Next Chapter- The Harem begins!

-Enrique aka

The Dark Emerald Warrior (Male Reader x Harem) A Highschool DxD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now