At the beginning

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[Lisa's POV]

Annyeonghaseyo,Im Lisa,I live with my 2 parents.I have a best friend named Jeon Jungkook.


"Mom,Can I go to my friends house" I said happily.
"Sure,honey" Mom said happily.
I went out to go to Jungkook's house,his house was near my house,so I went to his house and knocked.


He answered.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" He said surprisingly.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" I said happily.
"Come in" He said politely.
And I came in,it was huge,I sit down in the sofa.
"How are u?" He said excitedly.
"Im fine" I said normally.
"Wanna go to the mall with my friends?"He asked happily.
"With who?I asked
"With BTS" he said normally.
"Sure!" I said excitedly.
"I better change" I said kindly.
I went out his house and went to my house.
"Mom, Can I go to the mall with my friends?" I asked politely.
"With who?" She asked curiosly.
"With BTS" I said normally.
"Sure" she said normally.
I went upstairs to change.I didnt know what to wear.So I just wored a dress without sleeves,I wored flats,I put a little make-up.When I was done doing everything, I get my bag and run downstairs.
"Bye Mom!" I said hurriedly.
"Bye,honey" she said happily.
I went out and went to jungkook's house again.I knocked the door


He answered.He looks at me head to toe.
"What?" I asked curiously.
"I look bad?" I asked shyly.
"I'll change" I said normally.He grabbed my wrist.
"Ani!" He said with confidence.
"U look Perfect" He said shyly.
I blushed a little.
"Lets go?" He asked normally.
"Ne" I said normally.
We went to his car and he drove.We were in silence.I felt sleepy,I had no choice but to sleep,so I sleep.After 30 minutes.I fell someone tapping me.When I opened my eyes I saw Jungkook.
"Wake up" He said while tapping me.
"Im up" I said while I try to get up.
"Were here" He said normally.
"Ohh.." I said shyly.
We went out the car and went inside the mall. We try to find the others and they were in the arcade.
"Hey guys!" Jungkook said to his squads.
"Ey!" Namjoon said excitedly.
"Lisa!" V said happily.
"Annyeonghaseyo" I said happily.

End of Chapter 1

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