First date

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We looked at the back and saw Jimin.
[Lisa's POV]
"Hey" Jimin said happily.
"Hi" I said shookly.
"What yah doing here?" Jimin said happily.
"We were going home" Jungkook said angryly. I nodded.
"Ohh...Can I come?" Jimin asked politely.
"Su-" I was about to speak but Jungkook interrupted.
"Umm..u cant" Jungkook said angryly. I looked at him confusely. He grabbed my wrist and looked angry at me.
"Yeah u cant" I said shyly. Jungkook let go of my hand.
"Why not?" Jimin asked sadly. I was shooked, I didn't know what to say. I looked at Jungkook and he looked back.
"Because me and Lisa will have a date" Jungkook said sweetly. He held my hand, I was shooked! I looked at Jungkook shookly and he looked back at me and he winked.
"Ohh" Jimin said shookly.
"Sorry" Jimin said shyly.
"I didn't know your dating" Jimin said shookly.
"Actually-" I was about to speak but Jungkook interrupted me again.
"We should go now" Jungkook said sweetly.
"Ohh...Okay" Jimin said shyly.
"Bye Lisa" Jimin said while he wave his hand.
"Bye Jimin" I waved back. Jungkook pulled me to the car.
"What's your problem?" I asked curiously.
"N-Nothing" he stuttered.
"Are we going to a date?For real?" I asked shyly.
"Ne" he said sweetly. I blushed. We were in silence.
"Hey, U okay?" He asked by breaking the silence.
"Ne, wae?" I asked shyly.
"Do u wanna have a date? Its okay if u don't want to" he said shyly.
"No,no, its okay" I said shyly. He drove to a nice cafe. He opened my door. We went inside the cafe, it was so beautiful. We take a seat and waited for a waiter. After 5 minutes, a waiter went to us.
"What would u like to order?" The waiter asked politely.
"Uhh..I would like a cappuccino and a blueberry cheese cake" Jungkook ordered.
"What do u want to get?" Jungkook asked me.
"Uhh...I would have the same as him" I said shyly.
"So, 2 cappuccino and 2 blueberry cheese cake?" The waiter asked.
"Ne" Jungkook answered. The waiter went to the kitchen.
"U okay?" Jungkook asked shyly.
"Ne" I answered normally. We were silent. After 10 minutes, our order had arrived.
"Here's your order Lovebirds" the waiter said happily. We were shook that she called us "lovebirds".
"Actually, were just bestfriends" Me and Jungkook said.
"Ohh,sorry" the waiter said with embarrassment.
"Its okay" Jungkook said happily. After 10 minutes, we were done eating. We went outside and went to the car.
"That was fun" Jungkook said happily.
"Me too" I said happily. He drived to my house.
"Thanks, I had fun" I said happily.
"Any time, lets do it again soon" Jungkook said sweetly.
"Sure" I said happily. I went out the car and go inside my house. I went upstairs to my room and did my night routine. After I was done, I jumped on to my bed, I took out my phone and saw my messages.
(1 new message)
I opened it.


-Jennie Kim
I saw her message and replied to her.

Hi Jennie!


What yah doing?

-Jennie Kim

I was about to sleep


Me too, Good night. Lets see each other tomorrow.

-Jennie Kim



I close my phone and put in on the table. I went to sleep.


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